Fire in the Sky - OT | Arthritis Information


Sun up this morning.
Breathtaking!  Thankyou Stephen. That photo is absolutely beautiful...exquisite, I hope you forward it to heaps of newspapers tells a story right now. 

We have smoke haze  from those ghastly and deadly fires here in NZ. Another
That photo says one helluva lot so please let it be shared and send it to the media. With copyright.
Stay safe and well.
Lyn xxxx
ETA: To for too. Its late. Great photo!

its kind of surreal though

great shot

You find such beautiful shots - great talent.   We were in Vegas a few weeks ago and there is a Peter Lik exhibit in one of the hotels.   As I was walking through viewing his work, it reminded me of your shots.   You both have similar styles.    

Beautiful, Stephen!Great photo.  Sad subjectsadly beautiful.
I've seen that same sky once too often when I lived in California. Frightening but beautiful.
This was the sunset the night before Stephen's sunrise.  The smoke makes something so devastating into something incredibly beautiful. 
                             Thomas Fuller
"That which is bitter to endure may be sweet to remember."
The smoke makes something so devastating into something incredibly beautiful

So true Pam. I just want to see these fires out.
AMEN to that STephen!  The fire up in Belgrave last night was a bit close to home.  I'm glad they were able to get that one out quickly.  The fire in Healesville apparently came to the property line of the block of land we were going to build on a few years ago.  We decided because of my health we needed to be in the city closer to health care so we stayed in town.  My husband has heard of a few people that he knew that have lost their lives.  It just leaves a pervasive sadness to our lives.
All we can do is look to the future and hope for the good things that will come.
What a beautiful photo.  Sad about the fire though.