Lumps - Anyone Help? | Arthritis Information


I'm having a flare of fingers at the mo. The worst fingers are the index and middle finger on my right hand. About 2 months ago both fingers 'grew' hot, sore to touch lumps. The lump on the index finger is on the outside of the joint in the middle of the finger and the middle fingers lump is on the upper inside joint of said finger.

If I didnt know better I'd say they were like chilblains (I have one on my toe). I dont have any circulatory problems and it seems coincidental that the two fingers with the most pain and swelling are the ones that have the lumps on. They dont itch, they are just red to look at, hot swellings.

I'm not due a rheumy appt for a while so hubby said I should put the question out on the board?

Has anyone experienced this?
I have a nodule on my finger but not  a red, hot lump.  Maybe RD will know.I have nodules also but aren't red.I have large synovial lumps that extend from the knuckle to the first joint of my fingers. they don't hurt -- but when they first occurred they were real squishy -- now they've hardened up some.Wills, I was digging around this afternoon and came across this;

Idk if this looks like what you have, but thought it may help.  I too have synovial nodules but they are not red and only hurt when extreme pressure is applied. 

Also, this;

Hope this helps!

i have bumps/nodules on my right thumb and index finger. They are painful sometimes and red. I had one that went away but the one on my thumb is still there. Don't wait til your next appt, call your rd and see if they can help. I was rx'd voltaren creme and it really helps. I can use it up to 4 times a day. It doesn't have a strong odor nor is it greasy. Also heat works well for me try soaking you hands in hot water or roll them up in a heating pad.

take care
I've had RA nodules a couple of times and I don't remember them being hot or painful. I think you have it right that those two joints are flaring. My dr said anytime there is heat associated with the joint it's a flare. The first time I went to her, she put her hand on my knees to see how hot they were and then said she was taught that in school. Maybe you have fluid building up on them too. How long to the drs. appointment?