OT"Powerful Rest and Fluids Industry" | Arthritis Information


Funny funny funny!

"Powerful Rest and Fluids Industry Influencing Doctors' Treatment of Colds"

From The Onion article:
"What began as a small-scale racket has today grown into a multinational organization, with billions of dollars devoted each year to pushing its pro-napping, broth-focused agenda."

Who are  the Onion???  New to me.Kind of like Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update" segment in one big website - funny, satiric, fake stories about current events.   I see. SOUNDS GREAT!!!!!!  Love chicken soup.I was racing thru Costco and saw this 'Asian Medley" and thought of this recipe.  I should make that!

[QUOTE=Pip!]I was racing thru Costco and saw this 'Asian Medley" and thought of this recipe.  I should make that!
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