Another day with RA | Arthritis Information


Well I have had this rash on my arm. My first instinct was to ignore it. Never did it even occur to me that it was an allergic reaction to my RA meds. Funny thing about rashes they can get very annoying. So the only way to find out would be to stop taking the medicine to see if I got better.

Quit taking the meds Saturday. I had been in denial for over a week. But my eyes got so itchy and i nearly dug a hole in my arm itching at it. Back to thr RD Wednesday. He wants to see me before calling in something. Lucky for me there was a cancelation. Other wise my appiontment was for March 17. That would have been catostrophic, check spelling.
Every three months this happens to me. At this rate i will be out of options in no time at all. Then always the thought occurs to me that i could have a worse reaction looking for some new.
On the other hand maybe it will all work out fine. Eventually. For the moment i am just hoping nothing bad happens that prevents me from my doctors appointment. He is pretty stuborn. If he says he has to see me first to call something else in. I will have to have a talk with him.
Is it just me or is this the most frustrating disease. I feel like i am being punished for something.
Milly, I hear you on the rash thing!  SHEESH!  One more thing to add to the list!  I think I have figured out my rash was the MTX.  I have not had it since I stopped, but now there is the big old hole where the MTX use to be!  I may take a dose to see what happens... hmmm?  Anyway now Humira is not enough to keep the flares away.

My RD is pretty cool, open-minded, willing to let me go out on a limb... Definately talk to yours.  Hope you feel better soon!
Sorry you seem to have so many allergies! It must be very frustrating!