ROSEHIP | Arthritis Information


I bumped into an old schoolfriend today who I havent seen for years, we went for coffee and were talking about when we were young, sweets, food, treats etc that we used to have. She mentioned that we were given Rosehip syryp as kids at school ( it was given to boost vitamins in children) The woman serving us said that her husband had RA and he takes rosehip to help him. she said that its obviously not cured him but since taking it he has shown a great improvement and doesnt feel so tired or stiff anymore...I have heard this before but this time im going to try it...wont hurt to have a go...I found the syryp..I didnt ask the woman but does anyone know how often you are supposed to take itexcellent point!!  I have a story about rosehips too.. and vitamins.. and healing.

When my now 28 y/o son was diagnosed w/ ITP at age 4 years.(it's autoimmune but he's never had a recurrance) where they develop a temporary kind of hemophelia where the blood does not clot... He was in one of the best hospitals in the world.. Childrens of Phila (CHOP) and they said nothing could be done it would eventually take care of itself..
A nutritionist friend of mine said:  give him 1000 mg of Vit C daily w/ rosehips... The rosehips are to help him absorb more of the Vit C...
The docs had said that it "usually" takes 18 months to 2 years to "recover" .... it took 4 months.. FOUR...   it works! 
we have it in pill form.. IDK about the syrup....