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Hi everyone! I'm a 42 yr old male with PsA.  I was diagnosed in Dec. of 2004, but it started 4 months before in my left Achilles tendon and the toes in both feet.  My Rheum. immediately started me on 8mg of mtx, folic acid, and 500mg naproxen 3 times a day.  I've now graduated up to 25ml mtx inj. once a week.  the Dr. wants to stop the naproxen and start taking piroxicam 20mg once a day.  Has anyone here have any experience with this med?  Right now the PsA only affects most of my toes, and stiffness in both knnes and hips.  With comfortable shoes I get around ok, but I'm not going to win any foot races!

I'm glad I stumbled onto this forum, its nice to share ideas and experiences with others who know what its like to live with PsA!
Hi DJ hope you are feeling well.I am also new to this forum and also inject myself with mtx once weekly.Do you have any side effects with this treatment?I find i am having terrible sweats and dizziness for 48hrs after injecting and was wondering if anyone else suffers with this.It gives you some hope just knowing there is someone who knows what you go through.Hope to hear from you soon take care.Hi and welcome DJ and Jax, I've been out of the country for 5 months with iffy WiFi, so I haven't followed the PsA threads closely...sorry.
DJ, have you and your RD discussed Enbrel?  That could be your next step and be the one med that will give you the most relief.  It's works well with MXT.  Also, if Enbrel helps then you will probably be able to decrease your dose of MXT.  I use Celebrex as a anti-inflamm. but then I have RA and PsA.  Take care and talke with your RD about the other drug options.  
Jax, I haven't had any side effects from MXT except for some fatigue the day after injecting.  Your RD should know about these side effects.
jax, glad to hear from you! Luckily I haven't had any side effects from the mtx injections. I have switched from naproxen to piroxicam though, not sure I like it, feeling a little more stiff than usual. But my RD says to give it more time.
Lindy, thanks for your welcome post! I will definetly ask the doc about Enbrel.  I've read a lot of posts in this forum about different meds and I can use that info to help me discuss options with my RD.
Hi..another newbie here with PA. 

I was diagnosed 4 years, then went into clinical remission 2 years ago.  Being the arrogant person that I was, I went off all meds and thought that I was controlling it with diet and exercise.  Oh's back with a vengeance! 

It is my feet that are mostly affected, and the strange thing is, they never were before.  I feel like I am trying to walk on tennis balls at all times. 

I do have an appt with my rheumy, but not til June.  Meanwhile, I am off work as I cannot keep up the pace, I am in excruciating pain.  My GP had me on celebrex, but today put me on indomethacin for a week to see if that would help..but no pain meds..he doesn't believe in them!!  Lynnie, Hi and welcome to the forum.  Your GP needs to fight to get you an appt. sooner with your RD!! You're in pain, not working due to the pain....your doctors aren't doing their job.  If I went to a doctor who told me he didn't believe in pain control I'd find a new doctor.  Pain control is part of good medical treatment and for some, part of a good treatment plan.  His personal opinion should not reflect on your treatment plan. 
You need pain control and an earlier appt. than June.  Fight for what you need and if it means finding another GP then find one who treats with all of the available medical treatments.  Lindy
Don't worry dear.It can happen to anybody.I will be available at

Hi All,

I am a 39 year old Aussie Male with psa. I was diagnosed in 03/2008. It started in my thumbs and has now moved to my right ankle. My RM put me on mtx first but my LFT whent through the roof so he tried a smaller dose and still was affecting my liver. I have beed on humira (adalimumab) that i inject myself every 2 weeks for about 15 months now and it is working well. When My RM took me off mtx he started me on lefunomide as well as humira the 2 drugs are supposed to work together, However my liver diddn't like the lef. as well.
I am feeling  about 80% at the moment i easly get tired and after a full day at work I am quite stiff and sore.
Has anyone been told that people with psa have fatty livers?
