I had my RD visit today too (little update today) | Arthritis Information


It was one of  the best appointments  since we started and I got a DX and we got moving toward getting better! ....

I thought he would be concerned that I wasn't on my enbrel for 6 weeks.. He knew before I even told him when he read his review sheet I'd completed, which documents pain and stiffness..
We discussed the possibility of getting MTX in shot form.. he said to call my prescription provider because he's heard of a shortage... I can get a sure click if I want and he suggested it because of the preservatives and mixing.. I want to by-pass my belly ;)
He then had a couple of people join us.. two residents .. One going to be a podiatrist and one going to be an RD... they had introduced themselves to me in the waiting room...  My RD teaches and has had residents in before...
We also discussed adding another DMARD to my cocktail.. (ala the article Lynn49 had posted and I was carrying) He said that there are not any true studies except the Netherlands one which was actually part of a bigger study which took alot of different potential mixes and did the follow through when one didn't work in a shorter time period than the usual doctor does... (allows more time for the work)  But he did say that HE has been in contact w/ some of the pharma companies about doing a study such as this.. (I waved my hand..I'm in!!! )
He also commented on the high BP..  *sigh*  IT was good.. til the last two months..it's back up again... IF I can control my pain.. I can lower the BP.. I'll work at my diet, and exercise and pain control ...  wish me luck!  I don't want to take meds for somethign else.
Back on enbrel tonight.. and let's see how I do.. 
I want to push.. I want to fight the fight... He's not ready to take this to the next level, and I'm willing to give SOME time... we've been taking enbrel for 11  months... a little longer... and let's see what happens..  or, as much as I've learned to like and respect him.. I may be moving on..
babs102009-02-18 10:38:47Glad you had a productive appointment and it seems you have a clear plan for yourself- good for you! Hope the Enbrel kicks right back in and makes you feel good enough on it alone. If you don't have to add another medicine to feel good that would be great.
How old would you say your doctor is?
Sounds like it was a good appointment--hope that things keep moving forward for you!thanks, KatieG and wantto..
I'd say he's about 58 - 60... why do you ask?
Well he sounds like my doctor and we don't live so far apart...I though maybe he has another office that way. He also teaches. But he's in his late 70's at least. Glad to hear you had a good appt, Babs!
Good Luck on your missions. Babs, sometimes it's so difficult to hurry up and wait......hate it but sometimes it pays off.  Take care. Lindythanks all!
I think, LinB, that because I had to go off the enbrel for so long, I know how much it does for me.. that I realize I am just on the brink of falling off the RA active wall into remission land.. and I want the nudge.   


update .. a little one..
It's remarkable how well I feel today after my enbrel....  that stuff is gold for me!!  Not remiss for sure... but a major improvement over just MTX..... 
also.. I forgot to say what my RD recommended for MTX "yuckies" as he calls them.. he said take 50-100 mg B6 (a water soluable vitamin) to help w/ those bad feelings...
I haven't tried it.. but will update all when/if I do... and if anyone gives it a try.. please share!!
Hi Babs,
I know what you mean about the Enbrel.  I was off of it over Christmas because of an infection and did very well after I started it again.  I'm glad it's working for you.  I may also try the B6 the day after my MTX.  Thanks for passing that suggestion along.  Hiking_gal
Glad to hear it Babs!YAY, Babs!A little late, but congrats on a great appt with multiple doctors and I am glad you are getting some relief.  Its amazing what happens when we get into the right drug combo for our condition.  Cathykeep at it Babs, you're on the right track!
I hope the b6 helps with your mtx yuckies.
take care
[QUOTE=hiking_gal]Hi Babs,
I know what you mean about the Enbrel.  I was off of it over Christmas because of an infection and did very well after I started it again.  I'm glad it's working for you.  I may also try the B6 the day after my MTX.  Thanks for passing that suggestion along.  Hiking_gal
Sorry I wasn't clear.. he said take it every day... the B6.......
good luck.
Hi it sounds like you know what you want and need, always be in charge of your choices, Janie. janiefx2009-02-23 06:01:02
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