A day of mistakes | Arthritis Information


I have had a really bad day of making mistakes and losing things right under my nose. I am so angry with myself and frustrated that I am going to bed and hope I wake up fresh and clear headed! It happens to everyone, get some sleep!!That has been me the last week or so! I feel for you, I hate it.

Hope tomorrow is better for you.
I Ever since I got my new (new to me, anyway) car with the automatic door locks, I keep trying to open the door to my house by pressing the unlock button on my car key.  Today I stood and stared at the door while pressing that damn unlock button when the boys and I got home from school.  Eventually my oldest boy looked at me all crazy-like and asked what I was doing and didn't I realize that I could not open the house by unlocking the car with the remote. Hope tomorrow is better for you.Wanttobe,
I go through many of those kinds of days too. Hopefully tomorrow will be better for you.
Ok... I got one for you.
When my son stepped on that nail on Saturday. Sunday came and I didn't remember he stepped on it. I had forgotten all about it, until MIL looked at it around 8pm on Sunday night. Of course I was in a lot of pain with a constant headache and having a hard time remembering stuff, but still... I should have been able to remember that his foot needed to be looked at to make sure he did not have an infection. I felt so bad about it while we were taking him to the ER that night because we could have taken him to the Ped's office that day if I had remembered to look at it. It is not like me not to keep tabs on my kids boo-boos.
There now... I feel better about getting that all out! LOL!
Oh and I keep missplacing my purse. Most times it has my pain meds in it.Hey, I often misplace my purse too. it's the darndest thing. Now that I carry a tinee tiny one it's even harder to find. :( Yeah mine is small, and worst of all... it is black LOL! Easier to lose it when it is black and hiding in the dark corners of the floor, couch or my dresser LMAO! awww.. wantto...  those days come and go.. today will be much better!!  guaranteed.
I have a bag as big as an airline carryon and it has a way of hiding from me!!  so, don't feel bad!
Jas...... too funny
wantobe....brain fog..it happens to us all. bread in the tumble dryer, milk in the oven and my shoes in the bin....it happens to me all the time...lol...hope you get some much needed sleep.I am in good company!
It's so nice to have a place to come to where you fit right in!

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