Chit Chat -- Feb 18, 2009 | Arthritis Information


Well... yesterday was the day of RD visits

Now... Let's see what today will bring.
Daughter is staying home from school today. Decided that last night. She is not sick, just do not feel like getting another 8am call to come pick her up for vomiting all over her desk
Well... after looking around to see if any of my new meds need PA'ed, it looks like my new muscle relaxer needs to be PA'ed or it will cost me . UGH! I got some samples. I only plan on using the new muscle relaxer after I have finished the robaxin off. Which will be a month or so. So... I need to call my RD to get them to get it PA'ed.
I usually go visit my mommy on wednsdays but she is starting to go to church again, so... she is not home on wednsdays now. I had to change the visiting day to Thursdays
Well... I am going to go to sleep. My pain has finally stopped. And my headache and my neck muscles seem to be loosening up. About darn time!
Hope everyone has a good day and better day than yesterday!
Good Morning All!
Joonie- good move with your daughter. Hope you get some rest and wake up feeling GREAT!
I am hoping to have a clear headed day today. I sure hope so but yesterday was MTX day and usually the fog starts today...
I had been feeling pretty good flare wise for a couple of days and so I disregarded my RD's instructions to go up to 10 mgs of prednisone from 6 mg. However now I am hurting again so I gave in and took 10 mgs. :(  I'm sure it was just in my head but I started craving salt so I ate a bag of Fritos out of the snack machine for breakfast....
Weight gain here I come.
yes.. so many of us had our appointments yesterday.. funny!!! 
I agree.. good move w/ the DD, joonie!!
I forgot to share on my RD appointment thread that he told me to get B6 to take extra of that if I'm having MTX sickie issues, wantto...   that and taking a dose of cough meds w/ dextromethorphan two hours before.. and then all day as needed the day after!!
sorry wantto...  I hope this turns around for you as well as it has for me.. I feel really good today after taking my enbrel last night... that fast... *snap*
That's encouraging Babs! I might have to go that route. The doctor wants me to- are you on the max dose of MTX?
Glad to hear you upped the pred, wannabe. Now maybe you can get to feeling better a little faster. I do not crave salt, I crave sugar when mine is upped.
Good to hear you are feeling so much better, Babs!
Well... no neck/upper back/shoulder problems and no headache when I woke up! WOOHOO!!! That muscle relaxer worked GREAT! I can't even feel my muscle tense and I can roll my head all way around! And just think I only took 2 of them muscle relaxers hate to see what would happen if I took all 4 of them like she said LOL!
Daughter went over to the neighbors they are going to the library. She did sleep in this morning. She did not get up until 10 something... almost 11. That is late for her. She is usually up around 8am even on weekends! Maybe sleeping in today will help her not get sick tomorrow at school.
Glad things are better for you and your daughter Joonie! I'm picturing you rolling your head around like Regan in the Excorcist! You are not doing that are you! LOL!
I crave salt and sugar but so far salt is winning. All the more to blow myself up with water retention....
Guess what- Whopper Jr. for lunch with an extra french fry!
Sno- hope the eye drops work for you and give relief.
I'm on to dessert- mini hershey bar....
I am sorry, Snowowl. I hope the drops work for you. Hope tomorrow you will have a better outlook.Oh forgot... the little Remicade stamp figure my RD circles my swelled joints on... well... yesterday it looked like it had the chicken pox LOL! she should have just circled the whole figure LOL!
It is sad to see that many circles on a little stamped figure LOL!
I am craving apple dippers LOL! Good thing I got some in the fridge! I got them yesterday from McD's on my way to my RD appt, but I did not have time to eat them before going in for my appt. I was too busy eating the large french fry before having to go in for my appt.
How brave you are Joonie, to eat the fries and then step on the scale at the RD!  I am usually fasting and going in wearing as little as possible trying to trick the scale... crocs work well 'cause they are so light but I always add "Guess I should have taken off my shoes" in the hopes they will subtract a few! Snowowl, I am sorry you are feeling so bad.  Its a battle for sure.  We must be going through the same ol' with the eyes.  I have been putting up with the same and putting off going to the I-doc... sometimes I just can't take even one more doc visit! 

Idk what this means about your word "positive"???  I always look forward to your posts, boost my days and gives me incentive and a laugh usually to boot!  To have so much going on and remain positive is an art and you have that in spades and are an inspiration to me!

Aren't hubby pockets wonderful!  I always make sure my dh has nice big pockets when we go out so I don't have to carry a handbag!  Lucky for me, he doesn't seem to mind the extra! Actually I think the scale said I lost 2lbs and that was with my tennis shoes on. I always kick my shoes off before getting on the scale and then I refuse to look. RD's office is not thorough anyway- nurse always puts it on way too heavy at first and then does not wait for it to balance steady.
GP's office has a giant digital display! You can't not see it! I usually have a high blood pressure reading after seeing the number!
 Mark and Ally are off school this week, so things are pretty laid back this week. Yesterday morning Jakie let us sleep til 915.. whooo hooo.
 Today I threw them out into the yard its snowing like crazy  and they've been out for at least an hour. We have a nice big yard that borders on a "meadow" so they can wander all over following deer tracks etc.
I got  out alone for a whle and had a snack and coffee without small people hanging all over me.
[QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]Glad things are better for you and your daughter Joonie! I'm picturing you rolling your head around like Regan in the Excorcist! You are not doing that are you! LOL!
Hey careful, Regan is my real name!  [QUOTE=SnowOwl]Regan I'll think of you tomorrow as I make my pot of split pea soup.[/QUOTE]
How are you feeling any way Reegie? Baby to be doing well?

I am doing ok, thanks for asking wtb.  I am not on any meds so it's been a rough couple of months between the ra and the morning sickness (oh and the 4 and 2 year old boys

I had major crud last week and had to call family dr for antibiotics. I think that was the 1st time in 4 or 5 years. Temp is back to normal and I feel OK . I guess it is time to restart Humira
reegie do you know if you are having a boy or a girl? Not yet, I am going to find out in a couple of weeks.  I can hardly wait!!Congrats reegie. I loved having babies. Mine have all grown.
I blinked somewhere and they all grew up and went to college and got married. I do have a Grandson who is my special joy in my life.

Thanks Tinkerbell!  I am really excited and a little sad because this is going to be our last:([QUOTE=SnowOwl]Your two little boys will love a sister or another little brother.  Do they understand there's going to be another family member joining them?   
They do, my 4 year old says we can keep it as long as it's a girl because he doesn't want another brother.  My two year old says that we can't have a baby because he is the baby.  I think it will become more real to them the bigger I get.
Aww you are going to have to do a lot of reassuring with the 2 year old when the baby comes! He sounds so cute! Are you hoping for a girl? I'm sorry I'm prejudious but they are so fun to dress up and do girly things with!I know,  I do want a girl.  I will be happy either way but I would like to experience having a girl.  Mommy can only play so much hockey!Be sure to let us know as soon as you find out!I will for sure!Watching the news, man shot wife and child then shot himself, left note he was finacially broken...MY LORD, what a COWARD.That is awful!
I am just so happy that it is sunny outside.  I cannot even begin to express how much happier I am when the days get longer, and I can't wait for daylight savings!  Having Christmas right there when the days are so short really helps, but I could never live in Alaska.  Would have stayed in Louisiana if I didn't want to come back to TN so much.  But in an ideal world I would be right around the equator.  Oh, and I'd have dark dark skin so I wouldn't have to wear sunscreen :)
Does anyone have bumps on their tendons?  I am confused about this.  I showed it to RD (underside of wrist) and thought it was a rhematoid nodule.  He said no, that's RA affecting your tendons, said some word I don't understand, and wrote it in his chart.  I feel like my tendons are affected more than anything with the RA. 
One last ramble.  I am going to start taking bets on when I will actually receive Humira.  It's been 2 weeks since my appointment and we're still waiting!  The right pharmacy has the presciption, and I think I got PA, but I'm not sure why I haven't heard from them.  And they only deliver Tuesday through Friday.  BUT I just started a 10 day course of antibiotics to be on the safe side.  We all got a cold, hubby got a chest infection, 2 year old got an ear infection (that we didn't even know about until annual visit), 4 year old is hanging in.  I saw a NP and she had seen my husband too, no fever of chest sounds, but probably a sinus infection so I'm being safe.  My next RD appt is in April, and I just hope I've taken at least 2-3 doses by then!
Have a good day everyone! :)
