Kidney biopsy, take III... | Arthritis Information


Well, I was admitted for the kidney biopsy on Friday.  It lasted forever.  there was too much bleeding so it was stopped and repeated on Monday which went better.  I really do not want to go through that again.  17 pounds of fluid/water was diuresed. however, not told how to really keep it off which would have been nice. it isn't nutrition. which I have almost eliminated my diet down to nothing trying to avoid triggers that would send me to the hospital. the doctor says to limit my fluid intake.  I get so thirsty in the middle of the night these days. he says to just take ice chips and keep the mouth moist.

So out of nowhere I have kidney disease. what happened? did my body decide RA wasn't keeping me busy enough? that I needed something as horrifically crazy as kidney disease and the scare of dialysis?  the preliminary evaluation showed scarring and inflammation. they will call me to give the full results of whether it is a "lupus kidney" their phrase.  the word dialysis was thrown around very often and with such urgency in their voices, "we don't want you on dialysis for the rest of your life." I started to ask what life but thought that might be put a downer on things. so I went along with all of the scare tactics hoping to get to the bottom of this eventually. 

I mentioned something about not so good news to the discharge nurse.  I was doing fine until she said "you wanna talk about it."  I nearly burst into tears. I haven't found crying for myself very useful so I quickly gathered myself and told her I would be okay and thanked her for asking. she was a very sweet lady. 

so anyway, I have been online searching for kidney friendly foods.


And have you seen the news lately?  Tons of things in the news.  the buffalo plane crash for one, very sad and recently a man beheading his wife because she wanted a divorce. Did anybody hear about that?  Coo-coo.  waay too much to wrap my brain around at the moment.  Prayers going out to everybody.  It feels like we need to just hold one huge prayer group for the entire world. Have things always been in such turmoil? Maybe I was just too young to notice. Ignorant is bliss as they say…


Will be turning off TV for a little while.

Well, computer has been acting very strange also so maybe will spend time with that instead of the news.  Will check in with you guys a little later.  Hope all is well as can be. take it easy.

Oh dear Shelly Im sorry your biospy didnt go well the first time. I will have to ask my sister what she has in her diet to keep her kidneys healthy..she has had kidney disease for most of her adult life and now im off for my colonoscopy too..When do you have to see your doctor again?  Do you suffer with pain in your back around the kidney area?

Hope you feel better soon


Hi Lisa,

Thank you.  Yes there is sometimes pain around the kidneys, especially on the right.  Just take it one day at a time is all any of us can do, right?

Prayers for an uneventful colonoscopy for you today.  Good girl, having it done.  Something on my list of things to do as well.


Take it easy.


Shelly- Somehow I missed that you were even having this done. Pin- good luck- I missed your news too.
Shelly I don't know anything about the kind of problems you are experiencing but I wish you the best of luck finding solutions.
Also I agree- the news can make you nuts and the things people do.....I just can't fathom.

Hi WanttobeRAfree,

Yes, I was told I needed it a second time 2 weeks ago. I didn't want to stay any longer to have it done for several reasons but most importantly I had to arrange transportation. I had already been in the hospital at that time longer than I could tolerate. I was told to be there thursday and they will have me home by Saturday. they discharged me Tuesday, yesterday evening. it's a teaching hospital. you never know what doctor will be in to see you. and the supervising doctor never is the one to do the procedures usually. although the second time I had the heart cath one of the "regular" doctors did it. the news was not good.  It's usually one of the residents. 

Not sure why all of these things are going on and on either. I just talk about them hoping someone will recognize themselves in the stories and respond to my post.  However, over the years I have met many similar people but not anyone with RA presenting or progressing in the way RA progresses with me.  It makes me wonder if I really have all of these conditions or am I being used as a human guinea pig or is enough being done to prevent the disease from progressing into what it has.  I know one thing is I can't tolerate narcotics for the pain which is all they seem to have to offer and I react easily to other meds, like prednisone, sometimes bringing on board more conditions. I think I have been on every DMARD, tried most pain meds and prednisone for 14 years at varying doses.

so one day a time, lots of prayer and hope for the best.

take care.

I actually grew up with someone who got JRA at 16 and has a very severe case of RA all her life. I am not in contact with her but a mutual friend is. She has had a few joint replacements and recently had a kidney transplant. I don't think her problem is the same as yours though. from what I gather she has a secondary RA symptom that hardens your organs and that's why she had to have a transplant.
I really feel for those of you who get these secondary problems and have such trouble responding to meds. I keep you all in my prayers and hope that the medical world comes up with a solution. Hang in there Shelly!

Much hugs and prayers for you Shelley.

Please keep us posted about what the results are.
Shelly, your post brought tears to my eyes.  I am so very sorry for your troubles.  Let us be your place to cry if that will help.  You are in my thoughts and I am hoping for a positive outcome for you, you deserve a break. Shelly,
I have RA and a few years ago discovered through some sophisticated blood tests that I have parathyroid disease secondary to kidney disease. I take large amounts of two types of vitamin D and that's all.  Once a year I have a kidney function test and it's usually up around 40%.  I hope your problem is as easily handled as mine.

Hi everybody,

I'm okay.  Thank you.  So no worries.  Just being able to come here to talk about things going on is enough.  Reading others going through the same things lets me know I'm not from Mars because sometimes you feel that way when no one in the family has autoimmune disorders, the doctors are calling you a mystery and testing for everything under the sun, spouses/friends are just burned out from the constant worry, your repeated hospitalizations. or maybe just more than they bargained for. so having a place to go where others can relate is truly a huge help.

so thanks.


don't cry. then I will cry and we will all be a just a big puddle of tears.:)  No but seriously.  It gets rough sometimes but usually I pull through quickly.  I think the back-to-back hospital stays were too much.  A vacation would be nice.  I am determined to take a vacation this year regardless of the money situation.

Thanks Waddie…


Yes, it seems that your friend is still seriously affected by the RA.  She had it so young.  At least I had my 20s as a healthy woman so that's something I am grateful for. If RA would just be still and I could get a routine of some sort, that would be nice.

Hi Shelly, looks like you're going through some rough times. I'll be praying for you and you do deserve a vacation after all you've been through.
You take care!

Hi Ann,

yes, I was given two types of vitamin D while inpatient sent home with only one type. so it must be a routine treatment used.  I think we are still working out the medication part of it and will know more when the full results come back but I too hope it is something as simple as that.


(((SnowOwl, Joonie, CinDee)))
I am sorry you are going through all this. I hope you get that Vacation!...I'd go with you.
Wow Shelly, what a month! Sounds like the venting is doing you some good, so keep on if it helps. We're here to listen. Probably the only consolation of such a low with all your hospitalizations is that life has nowhere to go but UP! I'm hoping that's the case for you.

Thanks Tink and ColoMo,

Tink where should we go?  It will have to be here in the states on a shoestring budget as they say.  LOL!  I have been dreaming of this vacation for a year now so time to really go this time.

Thanks guys, take care.
