longterm solution help? | Arthritis Information


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Hi.  I am a single mom and a rheumatoid arthritis (ra) sufferer.  When I feel that that ra is going to attack, I immediately take my pain reliever (ultram) and it starts to kick in after about 45 minutes to an hour.  This gives me time to still get some work done and take care of my kids when I get home.  I’m wondering if you know of any long term alternative treatment or process that will remedy the ra?

Hey Breakdown, that would be the million dollar answer!    Sorry, I can not help you with that as the treatment of RA is just as varied as the patients!  Feel free to browse our post to educate yourself and perhaps find something you can discuss with your doctor to help choose your treatment.  Welcome to the board. Hi and welcome, what other meds are you on to control the inflammation and swelling?  LindyWelcome to the board. No, answers from me, either. breakdown... are you seeing an RD?  has he prescribed anything for treating the RA?  not necessarily the pain.. but the disease?
welcome... sorry you need to be here.. but if you must it's a good place.
You are taking a pill for pain control.  With RA you need a DMARD (Disease modifying arthritis drug) and need to be seeing a Rheumatologist.
I echo DMARDS. Welcome!
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