Targeted Treatment for RA? | Arthritis Information


I received this earlier in the week from my future son-in-law.  I found it very interesting and I thought I'd share

I went to a seminar today about a new method of developing targeted 
drugs for various diseases.  The one linked below has a remarkable 
efficacy for targeted killing of T-cells and only T-cells.  Based on 
the talk it is likely to be through trials by next year sometime.  It 
is a new and somewhat complex and convoluted method of inhibiting T-
cells but pretty cool.

ps...He's has a PHD in chemistry and is doing his postdoc in Boston, just to give you a reference
first of all. I"m not surprised that your SIL2B cares about you and your health..... I patiently (?) await the results of the trials......
(I printed this and put in my tickler for the future !!)
You're welcome babs
 He also did his OP on the connection between RA and Vitamin D levels (Now you know why I really like him