Ring Splints anyone? | Arthritis Information


 I am just curious if anyone has used ring splints with any succsess.

I have 2 fingers that are badly deformed and when I was about 12 years of age a hand therapist fitted me for the ring splints to straighten them out.
Well being the stubborn child that I was, I didn't want to wear them. I never gave them a chance.
I still have them and they still fit. I am thinking of trying them because I am tired of my students asking me whats wrong with my hand, but I don't want to waste my time if there is no hope.
Has this worked for anyone?
I've found ring splints to be very helpful...I'd give them a try if I were you, what have you got to lose? They hurt really bad. They are metal-pretty much look like rings and the 2 fingers are so bad that I just don't know if they can be helped with out surgery and I am not willing to go there.
Are there any other kind out there? I will have to look into that. I am sure there are after 13 years.
This is exactly similar to what I have now except she made me wear them with the circles on my knuckle. Basically the opposite of the picture and it hurts so bad. cah14182009-02-23 13:04:01Anyone?
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