small whine.... | Arthritis Information


Well, today is the first day I have truly felt like dirt.  I'm guessing all the "good" stuff from the hospital has offically worn off.  Saw the OS yesterday.  He gave me a copy of his OR notes to give to my RD and Pain dr.  Kinda creepy to read about yourself in surgery.  He stressed again how much inflammed tissue he removed-not good.  Not sure what the RD can do differently, I have already climbed up the ladder to Rituxan.  Start PT on Monday so that should help with inflammation.  I'll get a few stitches out on Tuesday.  I am just so tired of liquids.  This is not a good way to lose weight!

I still can't help questioning the RA diagnosis.  Everywhere that I read, it says that the Jaw is the last affected and not that often either.  Makes me think-not RA.  But then the OR report mentioned all the synovitis which is apparently the hallmark of RA.  That and the joint deformity.  It just seems so wierd to have jaw surgery at 32 but the hands look good. 
Hey Rebecca, You are doing really well with today being the first kitty litter day, huh?  I bet its because you are moving about more and, as you said, the hospital goodies have worn off.  Guess I am trying to say don't over do!

Try not to stress over anything right now, refresh your movie and book stock and relaaaaaax.  Can you have a milk shake?  Or have you had so many you sick of those too?  When do you start soft foods?

Heal well and Awwww- hope you feel better soon!  Don't try and second guess your RA it is such an unpredictable and different type of disease for every last person. For you it's the you say for very many it's the hands....
Keep us posted on how you are feeling!
My jaw tends to bother me more than my hands. KatieG gets terrible swelling in her jaw. So everyone is different. RA is like that, it keeps everyone guessing.


I have limited range of motion (rom) in my jaw from RA.  the jaw used to bother me all the time eating was painful. now the limited rom makes dental appts. painful. However, never thought of having surgery.  now the hands are horrific, just in the last 5 years out of 14, and they make me think of surgery daily.

like Milly said RA keeps us all guessing.  plus I am not real sure what other condition would affect the jaw to that degree.

Either way, it sounds awful.  Hope you feel better soon.

I will kill for a french fry. and cover!
Strange part is that the left side( the "bad" side) is the one that wan't hurting.  According the to OS, the nerves were numb from the pressure of the scar tissue.  The right side-which was the one that really hurt-wan't nearly as bad. 
If you have jaw issues, definitely let your RD know.  AS I have read, it is not common to have such degenerative changes, but it can happen.  For most people, there are simple steps that can be taken.  But, like any other joint, sometimes you need to treat it more seriously.  I certainly never thought it would get to this point.  My RD questioned the RA in the jaw until I had an MRI done.  Fibro and RA do cause jaw pain mainly due to clenching teeth when we hurt.  But that is muscular, not joint.  RD was convinced that if we got the pain under control, the jaw would improve.  When that wasn't the case, he took it more seriously.
Katie G: I was thinking about you and your jaw.  How is it going?? 
