Coke withdrawal | Arthritis Information


There's a crisis in my house today.  I am out of Coca-cola.  It is Lazy Saturday, so at 3:00PM we are all still in our pajamas (two flannel nightgowns in my case).  I just went to the fridge to grab my daily Coke, and OMG IT'S ALL GONE!

Oh - oh... can you send someone to a neighbors house to borrow a bottle of coke instead of a cup of sugar?  


Oh - oh... can you send someone to a neighbors house to borrow a bottle of coke instead of a cup of sugar?  


LOL  - not an option.  On one side we have Seventh-day Adventists, who do not use any caffeinated products, and on the other side they drink Pepsi.
I'd ask if a Pepsi would work in a pinch, but as I have a SIL who loves her Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi is an insult to her taste buds that it's not an option.
Nope, Pepsi just won't do. Jas, that's the way I feel when I miss my nightly dark chocolate fix.  I could eat the house down and not be happy.  Luckily, DH has been "enlightened" as to the fallout so he helps me make sure the supply doesn't run out!  Oh honey, I feel for you!  There's nothing worse than a need for a Coca Cola fix and having none in the house.  But if I were really desperate in your case, that leftover 9 oz. from last night would be fair game, LOL!That's how I feel about Tab.  However, I can drink the left over warm...doesn't matter.From what I've learned lately, I won't touch the stuff if there's an alternative if you want to stay healthy. Doesn't matter if it's diet or regular. I won't touch Pepsi or anything from that company now for moral reasons. Going without Fritos is tough too This post is very bad for me.  Every time I see it I think of an ice cold coca-cola.  We grew up on it. Grandma is addicted to them so that meant we were too. It was her morning coffee. 
Anyways, I have given up soda because of the sugar but...a coke every now then couldn't hurt, could it?
[QUOTE=Shelly63]This post is very bad for me.  Every time I see it I think of an ice cold coca-cola.  We grew up on it. Grandma is addicted to them so that meant we were too. It was her morning coffee.  [QUOTE=mab52]Most people have no idea how much sugar is in a can of soda.


About 40g; 140 kcal.  As with many things, enjoying Coke in moderation is a fairly innocuous indulgence.

Id switch nicotine addiction for a cola addiction any Day....I say enjoy. It won't give you lung cancer, wrinkles, emphysema and it doesn’t stink and cola is socially acceptable.

Oh and it is a whole lot cheaper!
 "Moderation in all things" 
Lynn492009-02-22 20:18:52Jas, glad you got your fix. Mine is it, love it, love it! I always stash one in the veggie drawer cuz the kids never look in there because they may find veggies. LOL [QUOTE=mab52]From what I've learned lately, I won't touch the stuff if there's an alternative if you want to stay healthy. Doesn't matter if it's diet or regular. I won't touch Pepsi or anything from that company now for moral reasons. Going without Fritos is tough too