Hit by a truck | Arthritis Information


Oh wow..i think i got hit by a HUGE truck this morning...I woke up feeling not too bad..had my morning ritual of coffee, 2 biscuits, 2 tramadol and a warm shower, came downstairs and turn on the computer, then im not sure what happened, my arms felt like ton weights, my legs wanted to collapse and i had to lie down again..I have no swelling but have extreme pain in the palms of my hands..I cant straighten my hands and i feel like im dragging myself around..Hubby phoned the doctors and i have an appointment this afternoon..Cant believe I went from feeling good to so bad in a matter of seconds..normally I get it gradually....think i will sleep for n hour...just needed to vent..thanksHi Pin, sorry to hear this, hopefully after you have been to the Drs things will improve.  I must say I have really enjoyed watching the Oscars, I am glad I was home to see it even though I was in a lot of pain.  All the best, Janie Some mornings a wake up feeling like that but it goes away after a little, sometimes a long while. I've never had it the other way around. I hope everything will be ok and that the  Dr. will have answers for you this afternoon. I'll be praying. What an awful way to wake up!  I hope the dr. can provide some relief for you...Let us know how you made out! I am always amazed and how quickly things can come and go with RA. Hope you are feeling better!Sorry you're having so much pain, Pin...hope the nap helps somePinny, Janie, I hope you are both going to be off to a better start today.  I'm sorry to here you feel so bad. {{{Huggles}}} Lisa....I sure hope you are feeling a little better by now. You have had a bad run of things!

Lyn xxx
Hi Mrs. P,
I think the flare bug is going around. Sorry it got you too. sending healing energy your way.
feel better soon.
edited by me, can't type, leave out words, put wrong words. oh my!
Shelly632009-02-23 14:23:02Hope you feel better tomorrow, Lisa![QUOTE=Shelly63]Hi Mrs. P,
I think the flare bug is going around. Sorry it got you too. sending healing energy your way.
feel better soon.
edited by me, can't type, leave out words, put wrong words. oh my!
I am beginning to see a pattern also Shelly. It's like it's in the air....
Pinn, hugs to you! Sorry your down today.
Good morning all and thank you for your good wishes..Its  amazing how a prednisolone injection can make you feel so good..lol  My doctor gave me a good one this time..the only thing is I have a stomach ache from it but i know from the past it doesnt last too long..soon I will be like an 18 year old........well maybe not but I will be able to move round good...hahaI'm so glad to hear you're doing better now. Yesterday sounded absolutely miserable! I hope the relief lasts.
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