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Hi guys, woke up in heaps of pain today.  Went to see my GP and informed her that I had run out of my Oxycontin 20mg on Fri night and took endone 10mg instead, she said that explained the rather awful pain I was in and told me off for not phoning her on her mobile, but I don't like to do that outside of normal work hours especially weekends!  Anyhow took two tramal, an oxy and went to bed to watch the Oscars which is my absolute favourite show ever - watched it twice today, there is nothing like it, my dream in life is to go to the Oscars one day, oh well, we can all dream.  Hope you are all well, as can be anyway!  Jane.  Jane,
Hope the pain will  subside for you. I didn't catch all of the oscars as I was out with my son at a festival yesterday evening but what I did see was wonderful, magical. I love watching them too. I should have recorded them but didn't remember to do so.

edited to correct spelling:)
mom2threeinaz2009-02-23 06:04:55Janie- hope you are feeling better. Pain meds that don't give relief are a drag! Hope you're feeling much better, Janie!

I enjoyed the oscars last night too!
I also stayed up late watching the Oscars...I love Hugh Jackman.
 How are you feeling today?
 I really thought the Oscar show itself was TERRIBLE!! I havent missed an Oscar show since 1963.. and this was perhaps the WORST.
Added to that that the picture itself broke up at least 3 times during the first hour. the picture got all pixilated then went black.. I dont know if it was a Time Warner problem or a broadcasting issue from  Los Angeles, but it nearly made me look for  Waler Texas Ranger rerun.
Heres a thought... how about they make a show and make it ALL about the MOVIES??  Stop the inane banter,  show some decent clips from each  nominated movie ( I mean about 5 minute clips)  Show a scene for EACH nominated actor and actress both best and supporting. maybe 2 minutes each.
When you do the In Memorium, SHOW pictures that are big enough to see.  the way they did it last night was terrible, and disrespectful.
For best song?? Show the song, IN CONTEXT.. with a clip of when it was done in the movie. I don't want to see the Alvin Ailey dancers doing their version of "Over the Rainbow"  I want to see Judy Garland singing it while next to that fence. Same with ANY nominated song.. Its an integral part of the movie.
Have a host who is FUNNY, has star appeal, and can do one on one stuff too.. Maybe someone ...oh I don't know... like Billy Crystal?  others who would do great are Jay Leno, Jeff Foxworthy,  Steve Martin,  sheesh there are several. Just because People Magazine voted Jackman  sexiest man alive doesn't mean hes perfect for the Oscar host.
Its really too bad.
 Give us a show about the MOVIES.
So sorry to hear about your pain.  I ran out of my percocet this weekend and it wasn't fun.  At least I had a fentanyl patch working in the background.  Hope you feel better soon, Hiking_gal
Hope you feel better today and still better tomorrow Janie.Pain, pain, pain, go away never come back another day!!!  Sorry I am being silly but I sure wish that worked, but thankfully we do have the oxy and endone which does work for you and a lot of people. Glad you are doing better with that.
Yes, I saw your fellow Australian guy Jackman?? hosting the show.  Talented isn't he? and he is a great dancer too.  He surprised me because he seemed to be able to do it all, like the old-fashioned entertainers.  It was a nice show. I haven't seen half the movies featured but I enjoyed the show and hopefully one day as you dream we will get to see you there and then we will be able to say I know that person, that's my friend Janie.:)
Shelly632009-02-25 04:38:19Been thinking of you Janie hope you are better today.  Hope you feel better soon. I wish they could find us a medicine that would work so well we wouldn't need the pain pills. But for the time being thank goodness they help.