Child on MTX | Arthritis Information


HI guys, just a question before I go to paed RD with Liam.

If as his paed RD says Liam has no positive inflammatory markers, then why put him on MTX for a year.  Is the sero-neg doing damage to the joints?  I am sure it is, from memory, I think sero-neg is just as bad as sero-pos.  Please excuse me if this seems ignorant, but why not just put him on painkillers?  For those of you that are sero-neg, has MTX worked for you, how can you tell if it is successful?  Regards Janie.  
I am very confused and concerned about him starting it.
I'm sero negative and I was wondering if it was the MTX that was keeping me somewhat well or if maybe I didn't have RA at all and didn't need it. Well after being off of it for 3 weeks I went into my first flare that lasted 9 weeks. I believe I need to be on it.

However- when I say sero negative I mean for RA. I did go into a remission and my inflammatory markers went into normal levels but initially they were very high and they are moderately high on the test I had during the flare.
The point of the MTX is to slow or stop the progression of the disease. Pain killers can't do that.
I'm sorry you have to wrestle with this decision for your son. I know how hard it is to not know if you are doing the right thing for him or not. I'll pray you are led in the right direction.
edited for dsylexic typing
wanttobeRAfree2009-02-23 06:54:52 [QUOTE=janiefx]  For those of you that are sero-neg, has MTX worked for you, how can you tell if it is successful?  Regards Janie.   I am very confused and concerned about him starting it.

I think WTB did a good job answering the first part and I will add our experience with the rest.

First, it is more common for children to be seroneg.  There is a good book that was very helpful to us when our daughter was first dxd', It's Not Just Growing Pains by Dr. Lehman.  We call it our 'jra bible'.  You might want check it out.

Second, the way the ped rheum is going to tell if the mtx is successful is by an exam and x-rays.  Our daughter had a series of baseline xrays before starting mtx (chest is important, too, because mtx can affect the lungs and they need a baseline for that).

Good luck with everything.  I know how hard it is to make these decisions for someone else.
