RA...When Do I Call the Doctor? | Arthritis Information


Great article from MedicineNet.com 

From the article:

Rheumatoid Warning Signs

Doctors pay for beepers. So what are these beepers for? This article is about a reason that my beeper battery commonly wears down. And, I am happy that it is being used for this purpose!

Persons with rheumatoid arthritis can develop certain symptoms that are really warning signs of something occurring in their bodies that is not what the doctor expects to happen. These are signs that can also sometimes represent a significant danger. These "rheumatoid warning signs" are reasons to call the doctor so that they can be interpreted in light of the patient's overall condition. When the doctor who is aware of your condition hears of these symptoms he/she can determine whether or not they are serious and if any action should be taken immediately or in the near future.

Rheumatoid warning signs can represent a worsening or complications of the rheumatoid disease, side effects of medications, or a new illness that is complicating the condition of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis should be aware of these rheumatoid warning signs so that they can contact their healthcare practitioner before their health is jeopardized.

Here are some warning signs that I like my patients to call me about:


Good one- I printed this outIt rates up there as one of my all time favorite articles.  I'm glad you liked it yep... another very informative post!!
This should be 'required reading' and printed and posted!  Things can get out of hand fast and this is a great guide line. 

Thanks Lynn!
Really one of the best articles, particularly for the newly diagnosed.  It's so hard to know when to call the doctor and why.  Good reading.  Lindy

You're all very welcome and I'm glad you liked the article

 I remember how hard it was when I was first diagnosed deciding whether or not I should call the doctor.......Ever since finding  this article, those decisions have been much easier.
thanks Lynn, for another article full of good info.This was a really good article Lynn. For those of us who are newer to RA it is at times a struggle to know when to call or not. I am going to print it out and keep it handy for reference.
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