Itchy Joints | Arthritis Information


So recently my knees have been bugging me more, and I'm not sure if it's related, but the inner sides of my knees are super, super, super itchy.  Sometimes my wrist/hand gets itchy but usually it's when its swollen enough that I can see redness too. 

So I wonder if its related to my joints, except my upper arms are an itch party too, close to my shoulders but not very. 
do you have a rash appearing there? I get a rash on the inside of my knees when I am flaring........ I hope that's not what's happening for you Katie!I don't know.  I am constantly worried about having psoriatic arthritis with the arthritis showing up first.  But the only rashes/red areas I have are on my hands (although they look pretty bad at times).  I don't think anyone in my family has psoriasis, although my dad has a lot of toenail/fingernail issues.  But I think that's fungal.
My youngest (2) has awful eczema.  It doesn't seem to bug him but his skin is like sandpaper unless we moisturize every day and use creams occasionally.  Neither his dad nor I had that much problem, or his brother...just an occasional patch.  Hopefully he'll grow out of it. 
But everywhere I am itchy, it doesn't look to abnormal. 
Katie, I too get rashes on my knees, it seems to be when they are hot and sore...i also get rashes on my elbows and my lower back.. then they go again and dont appear for a while.
I hope you get this figured out
The inner area of the knee often rubs against pantleg fabric.  Combined with the dryness of winter air (assuming you're in the Northern hemisphere) this can cause irritation and itching.  Have you recently switched laundry products?  Gotten a new pair of pants?

The skin over my knuckles (hands and toes) gets itchy and red when my knuckles are inflamed.  But I also get dry itchy skin on areas that take lots of abuse, especially in the winter.  For me, this is my hands, fronts of the knees (lots of crawling around on the floor, at home and at work), and elbows (leaning on them at night while reading).

Have you tried putting some OTC hydrocortisone cream on the affected area for a few days?  That, along with a good moisturizer, often helps me.  For my hands, sometimes I have to put vinyl gloves on over the hydrocortisone and Aquaphor overnight.  Kinda hard to do for knees. Thanks!  It's just so weird because there is no visible rash, but I will try hydrocortisone.  It is so weird that I never got eczema but now that my 2 year old has it, I am starting to get it (although like i said there's nothing visible on my knees...but it is on upper arms and cheeks)If it is actually an allergy you know for sure sooner or later. My knees itched like crazy when I was taking MTX. When I did finally break out in a rash it was my face, neck and chest that had the visable rash. My knees did quit itching when I quit taking the MTX. Just my experience.
Also have you ever looked at pics of psoratic arthritis. It is a pretty distinct looking rash.
Are you taking the Humira yet? best to tell the doctor about the visable rash. And the itching. Could be an allergic reaction.
