Ok can't sleep either | Arthritis Information


Alright I can't sleep. I was doing fine and I was feeling on top of it all after my first injection of enbrel. However this evening I have started to get pain in my shoulder. My knees aren't bothering me since enbrel but now my shoulder is bothering me big time. Also I have an itchy patch on my right arm. How long before enbrel should start working?? RD and others I have talked to who use it say that I may feel relief pretty soon. I should have asked them to define pretty soon.
This is awful. being in this constant cycle of pain is horrible.


I am up to take meds but haven't been sleeping either. 
totally understand. the cycle of pain is shear madness to say the least, but the doctor's job is to break that cycle.  Let the RD know about the rash.  Enbrel can take up to 3 months but docs give their estimate which is always the enbrel's web site estimate of 3 months. Maybe because they have patients like me who was helped by the end of the day. still had pain but it was softer then almost gone. flares showed up still but fewer.
Hope you feel better soon. take care.
I hope it kicks in for you, Enbrel didn't do it for me.  Call your doctor

Enbrel took about 2 months for me, so you may need to give it some time.    I hope it works quickly for you and relief is around the corner.

Thanks everyone. After about 3 hours of sleep I am up again to go to work YUK! ! Wish I could stay home. Shoulder hurts a little still but the itchy patch has went away.   I will give the enbrel some time to see if it will work. I guess I am too anxious for an end to this pain. no experience but wishing you luck that it will kick in and work!fyi.. w/ enbrel.. initially I did find some increased energy... and over time, reduced swelling.. and reduced pain.... in all but my worst joints.. of which there are 8.....
good  luck.
Oh, I'm sorry about 3 hours sleep--hope tonight is better!Sorry about the lack of sleep, I'm right there with you. Hope you get some relief soon!

Lack of sleep sux. Do you find that it is hard to catch back up on your missed sleep?

I had trouble a few nights ago and I have been zapped since. Even though I napped yesterday and slept last night, I am still beat.......the cycle is frustrating. I concur.

Hope you feel better soon,

Lack of sleep sux. Do you find that it is hard to catch back up on your missed sleep?

I had trouble a few nights ago and I have been zapped since. Even though I napped yesterday and slept last night, I am still beat.......the cycle is frustrating. I concur.

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