My psoriasis is coming back | Arthritis Information


Damn,   I have PA and right from early treatments of MTX 20mg it cleared up, added enbrel for a time now remicade and i have been psoriasis free for 5 years.  now i am maxed out on remicade, 25mg MTX, my arthritis is getting worse and now the psoriasis is back.

Took me 1hr to get out of bed this morning, luckilly work undertand to some degree, but now i have to limp around the office, with the ignorant people who ask but don't listen wanting to know "have you hurt your leg" for the umteenth time.  people just cannot accept that at 5'10, (used to be 6'1 before osteoperosis) 202lb, and with a strong frame and 44 years of age that my pain could be anything other than, "oh hit the gym a little hard last night", or my sloweness must be due to "partied a little much did we"
I am having to take breaks in typing this as my hands are so inflamed, i am so fatigued that i cannot concentrate on anything, have to re-read this everytime i stop typeing to remember where i had got to.
Cannot get another medrol shot as the last one caused an outbreak of shingles that cover 1/2 my butt.  dr wants me to come down on steroids, thats going to really help.  
guess we will just crawl through another day and then drive home slowly, i have found that i don't feel safe driving 70 anymore, don't know if thats the anxiety or confidence in my own reaction ability, and crawl into bed and wait for tomorrows alarm to go off we can start this all over again.
awww clufus- so sorry you are feeling so crappy! It is frustrating going to work and having to hear those comments I know....
Aren't they pushing Humira these days for PA? Maybe ask your doctor about it.
Feel better soon!

I had a long visit with my RH and he doesn't think Humira will be of any help because of the failure of enbrel and that remicade did work for 3+ tears.  He is hoping that orencia get PA approval soon.  in the mean time he just increase MTX and we wait and see.  not a great situation.  I am waiting for word back from work about working from home 2 days a week.  that will eliminate my 45min each way commute and hopefull provide some releif

Hi Clufus, am so sorry.  I understand completely and it's so frustrating.  I have PsA without skin plaques.  Guess I'm the odd one out.  The pain of PsA has always been worse for me than the RA pain.  It's more intense. 

I was on Remicade for about 14 months and never achieved clinical remission with it but I did feel much better and it helped a great deal.  It finally stopped working and I worked my way backwards.  My RD upped MXT, put me on Sulfasalazine and I started Humira.  I took Humira a couple of years before without MXT and it didn't help at all.  The combination of Humira, MXT and Sulfasal.  has put me in RA clinical remission and I've been there for about 14 months.  I'm doing everything I did before RA, maybe not as intensely or as long but at least I can golf, hike, walk, swim and do water aerobics.  I'm not fatigued and any pain that I have is from damage.  PsA pain is tolerable.  It's not in remission but is so much better than before.  It comes and goes but doesn't stop me from doing anything. 

It's possible to go down the medication ladder if you adjust your other meds.  I also took Enbrel with no results but Humira has been my miracle drug and unless you try it you won't know.  I've had RA/PsA for 11 years and significant damage, so I know it's possible to achieve CR. 
I hope that you can reach a comfort level with an adjustment in your meds.  Talk further with your RD.  Good luck.  Lindy
Clufus, I hate it when I read stories such as yours, but at least you are in a group of fellow sufferers who understand.  Lots of hugs and prayers, and we are pulling for you.  Take care ~~ Cathy

I am so sorry!  And about the comments of your co-workers too.  I haven't told anyone here that I have arthritis because it usually affects just my wrists, but this morning the office manager came up to me all concerned and said "all you okay" as I was limping across the parking lot into work.  It's not one foot or the other, or even just feet or ankles (hips too) and I just didn't feel like lying, so I told her that I have arthritis (didn't say rheumatoid) and had forgotten to take my NSAID yesterday (which is true, but I am limping more and more recently, that everyone is bound to find out).  Argh.  It is easier to say "i stubbed my toe".  I think you should try Humira if you can, I think my RD had said it was worth giving all of them a shot.  I am starting with Humira this weekend. 

I am so sorry and I really hope your day improves.  I wish there was something i could do to cheer you up!  Hang in there.

I am sorry, clufus. I hope you get to work from home for 2 days out of the week.
Much hugs!
