Explanation of CRP and IgM | Arthritis Information


Can you help me? I have done my blood work ...some will be finished in 10 days (ANA), and I was so happy to see that only two things are out of normal units. So, pls. if anyone is familiar with the following, would you be so kind to explain it for me:

CRP is 3,9 H and it should be lower than 3,00

IgM is 4,27 H and normal rates are 0,40 - 2,30. Is this too high?

I am palnning a baby soon, so my dr decided to make all tests, but I will see her in January 2006, so I would like to know what this mean.



Hi, Carmen,

Very smart to get all your ducks in order before becoming a mommy.

I'm going to assume your commas are equivalent to decimals. I'll explain what I can and maybe someone else can explain what I can't. My info is from my personal notes, which I would have taken from a reliable medical source.

CRP [C-REACTIVE PROTEIN] or HSCRP [HIGH-SENSITIVITY CRP] is a measure of direct* inflammation, as determined by fibrinogen in the liver. Levels rise and fall more slowly to response to inflammation, making this a better test to evaluate inflammation.


0-1        =        Normal

1-10   =        Moderate Elevation **

10+    =        Marked Elevation


·        Positive result may indicate:

Heart disease

Diabetes Mellitus

Inflammation from Periodontal disease

Other Inflammation

·        It’s influenced by IL-1 and IL-6.

·        Can determine if there’s a heart disease history and predict potential for future heart problems.


*    ESR [“Sed Rate”] is a measure of indirect inflammation. Note, too, the ESR values may be high long after they have been treated, making CRP a better test for what’s happening at that moment.  


** NSAIDS or corticosteroids may reduce test results.

     HRT [hormone replacement therapy] may inflate test results


See links: http://www.labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/crp/tes t.html



Your CRP result of 3.9 doesn't appear acute, judging by the info above. If you're currently on NSAIDS, your real result value might be reduced a bit. Still, it's not at all unusual for RA sufferers to have low CRP results.





This test screens for a whole gamut of infectious diseases:   STD, Lyme Disease, etc. I would think this would be important information for a woman planning a pregnancy. I don't believe this test is used to screen for arthritis. Can someone check me out on this?












Hi Lee,

Where did you see the information about HRT influencing test results? I have been on HRT for many many years and wondered if forcing my body to accept hormones it shut down production of might have caused my immune system to go wacky and produce RA? I tried to research this but was able to find no information. Any lead you could give me would be helpful. I will go to the link you gave Carmen and try there first. Thanks.


Hi again Lee,

There is more information on the IgM Antibodies test at AllRefer.com. Go to health then to tests &exams then to quantitative immunoglobulin nephelometry. Check out abnormal results, it does say abnormal values may indicate RA, among some other unpleasent conditions. I found this site by doing a search on Ask Jeeves. I put in IgM.

Hope that helps,



Hi, Barbara/tmir,

I'm sure Carmen will appreciate the link you provided in the last email. Also, your instructions on how to search were timely. Another option is to use the google.com search engine, then enter the specific terms. From there just read the descriptions and cllick on the site if you notice that it's from an educational site or something comparable.

The note re HRT was one that I had in some old handwritten notes of mine, though I don't note things unless they are from valid sources. But just I ran a search and came up with this link that supports the statement:


Do a "Find" for "HRT" and  you'll get to the right spot.

I've been on HRT for several years now. A couple years back I was in another country longer than expected and ran out of my pills. Took 3 weeks for hot flashes to come back. HRT is a highly individual decision each woman makes. For me, hot flashes that disturb what little sleep I get are a horrible disruption to my life. I become so cranky; even I hate being with me. Ergo, I take the pills gladly.


Thank you all for your effort and web sites. It much clear to me now. I wish you all the best. Well, since I do not take any RA drugs or more than three years now, I think That my results will alow me to have a baby. Due to my condition, I am not sure anymore if I have RA or some other kind of arthritis. I was diagnosed in 1991 but almost no pain, no stifness, but I do have elbow jount deformities, that were present when I was diagnosed. I have pain only during the severe wather change in winter or spring which is present one two days, or when have a cold.

Thank you once again for your effort!


Cold weather does me in. And when I travel from hot to cold climate - ouch.

How lucky that you haven't had the miseries associated with RA. So they think the elbow joint deformities are a result of RA?



Well, I am very happy regarding not having "RA miseries", but I relly do not know what is wrong with me. There is something for sure, because joint deformities are there and ouchig from time to time. You know when I was diagnosed I was 18 years old, so I didn't know anything about this deasiese and at this time my country Croatia) was in war, so I really didn't care because who would have known what would have been the next day, and actually all medical treatment I quited on my own, because there was no pain and I felt like I am helthy. I was and still am active in gym, but now I am much clever and I do not exercise aggresively, but duing pilates and similar stuff.
Now, I have a new RD, she is very proffesional and I think that we will figure out what kind of arthritis do I have. In my opinion that could be also RA, but is it possible that is so moderate during so many years, of course I am glad for that, but I am in doubt and hoping...

Wish you all the best,



Thank you so much for the link to find out more about RA vs HRT. I tried five and a half months to go with out HRT when the bad news about PremPro came out. I had a hot flash once an hour 24 hours around the clock. They never let up. After five and a half months I was desparate from the sheer physical discomfort. Fortunately I did not have mood swings, just an occasional irritability from the discomfort. Freezing cold then boiling hot. Try taking someones blood pressure, you are bending over them, along comes a hot flash and your glasses fog up. I gave up and went back on HRT.

Thanks for the information,


I don't recall ever having the mood swings although maybe others think I was moody. But those hot flashes - ugh! Finally I understood what my mother had gone through. No thanks. Like everyone else, I "braved" it for a bit. But when it interrupted my sleep and I couldn't get back to sleep, that did it for me. Bring on the pills.

Most of us have moved from this board to www.rafriends.com, as we found a spammer on the Arthritis Insight board that we can't seem to get rid of. Please join us at www.rafriends.com.  I'm "Lee12345" on that board, too.


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