Starting on meds--have ???s | Arthritis Information


Hey all!
Haven't been on in a while. My arthritis is in a flare up and my rheumy is restarting me on plaquenil ( I have been on this med several times ) but she is adding sulfazine (azulfidine) to that.
Don't know much about this drug besides that its an older one. Any info is greatly appreciated. I just want to get any info I can from people that have been on it. Their experiences and if it worked, how long it took etc etc.....

Thanks so much!!!I get information from Living With Rheumatoid Arthritis by Schlotzhauer.  I'm on Antibiotic Protocol and don't know much about plaq.

Good luck.
Hey Wysone, so sorry you are having a hard time.  I really don't know anything about either one of those drugs but suspect they may be coming down the pipes for me too, as I also am having a hard time.  I will be interested to see what someone else has to say?  You can read, read, read about a drug but it won't be the same as listening to the experience of others!

I hope you feel better soon and we both get the answers we seek!
I take plaq, I also just started Methotrexate. Someone will be along that can give you first hand experiance with the new drug you are about to start. I hope you have something for pain. Let us know how it works for you. I am very interested about what works and what doesn't for folks.
I take Plaquinii and Methotexate and also just started Enbrel. I am sure that someone can give you some answers. Good luck. When I first got Ra my Rd had me take Sulfazine ( Sulfasalazine ) and it worked
great for about 2 years. It took about a week or so for it to start working for me.
During this time I had just a couple of small flares , I took Advil for those.
Give it a try , just know that it could take longer to start working . Good luck to you .
I took azuldfidine for a couple of years.  It was in combo with plaquenil and mtx.  These meds were very effective in initially stopping the pain and helped me get through college.  I do remember having a strong metallic taste in my mouth occasionally.  Dr. said to drink coke when that happened.  Strangest reccomendation but it really worked!I am currently on 2000mgs Sulfasalazine daily along with Plaquenil and Prednisone. As my introduction to RA last year was with a massive flare, the Pred got me back on my feet ( literally!!) and I believe  that and the combo of the other 2 have kept me flare free for nearly a year. I am down to 2.5 mgs Pred now. Get some soreness in my wrists/hands/knees/shoulders but I sure can live with that.
Have had no side effects so fingers crossed this situation continues. It is definitely worth trying and give it a few weeks to kick in.
ETA: Forgot to Rheumy had me start the Sulfa at 500mgs a day for a week increasing by 500mgs every week up to the 2000. Its a precaution against an allergy or other reaction so hopefully yours does the same.
LyndeeNZ2009-02-26 17:13:09I've been taking sulfasalazine for a few years now and haven't had too many problems with it.  I did notice headaches when I started taking it but increased my water intake (which you should do anyway with this med) and the headaches stopped.  The only other thing I've noticed since taking sulfasalazine is that I get very itchy when I'm in the sun...kinda like hives.  As far as how well it's worked for me...I don't think it does much at all for me.
Good luck!
wysone, good to see you post, sorry for the reason why however.  I see lots of good advice from members who have taken this drug, which I have not, so keep us informed.  Cathy

My RD just recently added placquneil to my list of meds. I have not started taking it yet, because I have to get my eyes checked to make sure it is ok to start it. I have to make an appt with my eye Dr.

I am suppose to be taking 200mg of it, in conjunction with what I am already taking Remicade, Prednisone, & Imuran.
I have not took placquniel since 1999. It did not do much for me back then, but my RD said it might help me now with all the other meds I am taking with it.
joonie2009-02-26 19:55:36I took Plaquenil for sometime a few years back.  I really don't think it did much for me but I was on Enbrel and MTX at the time too.  I know that my eye doctor told me that the macular degeneration that can happen with it is pretty rare though. 
I'd love to try sulfasalazine but my doc hasn't even mentioned it as a treatment option yet.  I believe that it would help me though.  (don't ask why, we'll call it a gut feeling)  Bob...I would be pushing my Rheumy to try sulfasalazine if thats what YOU want to do. Unless there is some contraindication with any other meds you are taking, and given what you have been going through lately....tell him/her you want to give it a chance. Have you never had it?
If not, then I would be surprised. I thought it was pretty much a consensus amongst Rheumys to try out these kinds of meds well before the heavy duty stuff.  So......
Go for it!!! And if you do, I pray it gives you the relief I believe it has given me.
ETA: ( Gee Im using the ETA's a lt lately!! lol)  If you do go for the sulfasala, try the plaquenil again also. I think there are quite a few here who say it worked for them once, then didnt, then did again. No harm in the trying!
LyndeeNZ2009-02-27 02:33:11Thanks so much everyone for your feedback!! I am hoping this combo helps me as I cannot take any of the new biologics. I have been on several of them if not all!!! And one of them made me develop a heart arrythmia so I have to rely on the older drugs instead now. I wish they would do more research in other directions besides the biologics---they're are soooo many people I've come across that cannot take them either. The drug companies need to listen to who they are making the drugs for!! My rheumy said that drug companies unfortunately go where the money is and biologics are it. Sad but true. Who's looking out for us?? Okay thats my rant for the day!!! Thanks again everybody and if theres some more info on my meds---keep it coming!!!   Have a good pain-free day all!

And to all that have great luck on biologics---don't take offense--I am certainly happy if someone is benefiting from them.Just another question........I have now been on both the plaquenil and azulfidine for a week now and I am suppose to up my azulfidine now to 2 tablets twice a day. My question is .....have any of you that have been on it gotten real tired and weak and just basically feel like crap?? I am a little hesitate about upping the dose but if this is a side effect that goes away, then I'm okay with it because I know there will be an end. I have looked the drug up and it does say that you can get that all over flu feeling from it but it doesn't say how long it will last. I am really hoping its temporary. Again---any input from anyone is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!!