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I am suffering with muscle pain all over. I do think my muscles hurt worse then my RA. Or is it a part of thr RA my feet, toes, ankles, fingers,hands, elbows knees, It hurts so bad. Can predisone 20mg cause this. I been on it for 2-1/2  now and I don't think it's the meds but I don't know. Thats all I am on except bystolic for blood pressure and nexium for stomach that is it or and a water pill. But I have been taking thses meds for a long time the only new one would be the bystolic for blood pressure. Is there anything out there that can help to take away the pain with the muscles. If anybody has some infro. for me I would really like that. JoanHI Joan, when is your next appointment with your RD?  I feel it is probably related to your RA, or possibly fibromyalgia, which makes you ache all over, muscles especially, you need to at least see your GP, if it is FM, then Lyrica is very good.  Please make an appt to see your Dr.  In the meantime, try and keep mildly active to stop your muscles and joints from seizing up, water exercise is the best.  Good luck, from Janie. Hi Joan,

Sorry you are in so much pain.  I agree with Janie.  What are you taking for the RA?  Sometimes prednisone can cause muscle weakness/pain. However, RA can sometimes open the door for its many faces like fibromyalgia.  It is hard to know what's causing the muscle problem, could be other possibilities. I would see the doc as soon as possible or at least call him and tell him the new symptoms you are experiencing.  he may be able to call something in to your pharmacist for until he sees you again.
Feel better soon. take care.
angel - I don't have enough room in my signature, but I was also diagnosed with polymyositis with my RA, which is inflammed muscles.  There are tests for this.  Its very painful as your muscles are, well, everywhere.  I also had inflammation anemia, which is now gone with treatment.  There are reasons why your muscles hurts, and you unfortunately have to beat on your doctor's door to get their attention.  Keep us informed.   Cathy

I'm having the same problems right now as well.  A general feeling of fatigue and weakness in the muscles.  I also take prednisone, but a much higher dose than you. (was down to 42.5mg but had to go back to 50 for a bit couldn't take the pain anymore)  Prednisone will cause muscle problems, especially after high doses for long periods.  There are tests that can be done to diagnose steroid induced myopathy.  Labs would include CPK levels and serum aldolase levels which would indicate skeletal muscle trauma, damage, or wasting.  Also, an EMG can be done by a neurologist to determine if it's pred, fibro, or just RA.  MRI as well as muscle biopsy would be done to diagnose polymyositis as well as the above mentioned tests.

I think polymyositis could be a possibility too, but was almost sure that prednisone is used to treat it so if you're already on prednisone then in theory it doesn't fit.  I'm not saying it's not possible though....anything is possible. 
Keep us posted on what you find out.
I have talked to my RA Doctor and he just said oh it's just your Ra causing these problems. I have been on enbrel inj. and a few more pill type things and could not take any of them due to my allgery's to meds. I was just in hostipal becuse I got the flu and by the time I got to hostipal my kidneys were shutting down already. The doctor told me I was very lucky my husband insited I go to hostipal or I would of died within 2 hours. I was there 4 days. I ended  up very ill. I was taking 20mg predisone but having the flu there was nothing in my body. So I am stuck. There is not much hope for me. Thats what the doctor said can't take meds for it he can't help. He wanted me on humia but then I landed in hostipal very sick. When I was on enbrel for 6 moths and had to stop and start all the time. I had one infection after the other. Joan Back to Forum MedHelp Member's Question

muscle pain

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Member since Feb 2009 // , Feb 01, 2009 08:55AM Can Bystolic cause Muscle Pain anJoint Pain. Doctor's Answer Liz C, RPh 
Member since Nov 2008 // , Feb 02, 2009 09:55AM

Yes, Bystolic can cause muscle pain and joint pain. Please let your doctor know if you are experiencing these side effects. That's a terrible thing for your doctor to say.  I'm in almost the same position.  I'm not allergic to meds but I do have problems with infections.  I tried Humira but only had 5 injections before landing in the hospital with shingles.  After that my primary care doctor told me that it would be best if I ask my rheumatologist to try something else so I never went back on the Humira.  It was beginning to help some though. 
What I would try in your situation is to find a new doctor.  One that won't give up until something works out for you.  Hearing a doctor throw in the towel can NEVER give a patient much hope.  Hang in there, something will work for you without lots of side effects.
i just wanted to say i feel for you angel. Also 2nd, looking around for a different dr.
Wow being in the hospital , scary!!
Hope things improve.... even a little or much!!
Hi Everyone, I am in a darn flare. I am in so much pain just how can that be when I take 20mg of predisone. I told my doctor MD about all the pain I suffer with my muscles sense I started my b/p meds and he said they all do that. I was on benicar and bystloic but now I am only on bystolic 5 mg with a water bill. But that when I started to get all this muscle pain when they kept fooling around with my meds. But you just can't get thru to doctors some time. My RA specialist told me there was no more they could do for me becuse of all my allgerly's to meds. He said all we can do is keep uping your predisone to try to make you comforable but let me tell you pain day after day is no fun. He has me on a pain pill that I can take every 4 to 6 hours but it don't fix the problem. Then I think maybe I will have to just deal with it. Joan I'm so sorry you feel so bad Joan. Prednisone is not the answer.  Drs. can be so frustrating- not all BP meds cause muscle pain for people. Prayers going up that you find a doctor who cares enough to find the right meds for you. Also for relief of pain!
How's your daughter doing?
Hi Joan,
I am sorry about the hospital stay.  I swear I get stir crazy with each admission. My kidneys are an issue too.
However, I don't think you are hopeless, you may have to find other ways of fighting the RA. There are quite a few other meds. you can try. I know it can be frustrating because I haven't found a therapy that works for me either and I have been on many of the DMARDs. However, I like the suggestion someone gave about finding yourself another doctor and also try the alternative board. some manage their RA with other therapies less toxic. I know some here also use fish oils to control the inflammation.  What about pain meds. can you tolerate them maybe ask for pain meds in addition to the prednisone.
Hope you find relief from the pain soon.  take care.
Hello Angel,
   I too am having muscle pain.  I was on Enbrel for a while then Remicade.  Had to come off Remicade, ended up in hospital with severe Gallbladder infection, had surgery then back to hospital again in two weeks for bile duct spasm.  I myself feel this is a after effect from the biologics.  I think I am going to swear them off, my surgeon feels they caused my infection and the severity.  The pain isnt as bad as the side effects, atleast for me.  I too wouldnt recommend uping the prednisone either.  As far as changing Dr's, I think they are so set on the Biologic stuff that no matter who you go to they will say the same thing.  I am on number 5. 
I take Ultracet for pain and it seems to help my muscle pain too.  Hope this helps and I hope you get relief soon.  Take Care
maybe try a muscle relaxer with your pain pill, it works for me. Also a heating pad or electric blanket is good. I also have voltaren gel that is pres. and I can use up to 4 times a day. It helps too. I hope you feel better soon.My Daughter just finished her chemo and now waiting for her radation. She has to have her port taken out to. Oh I know that is going to hurt her. I read allot about it and they say it hurts really bad. That boy girl has been thru so much these last 6months. I feel so sorry for her and being so far away from me I can't even give her a big hug. Well she knows my health problems to so she knows that I would be there for her if I could. We went there 3 months for a week and one time for almost 2 weeks oct. nov dec and it was very costly for us I have to pay for all our flights before we think of going down there again. That is sad but thats how it goes I guess when you have children that live out of state. We will go again but not sure when. She can fly but she has to go thru allot of things because of the surgery she had. Well I'll let you go for now. Joan[QUOTE=levlarry] Back to Forum

Yes, Bystolic can cause muscle pain and joint pain. Please let your doctor know if you are experiencing these side effects.
Could the Bystolic be causing the additional pain? It is worth a look see. I hope you get it all figured out. I hate to see anyone just having to live with it.
Take care,
