Anyone hurt when they go off MTX? | Arthritis Information


 I'm hurting pretty bad, for 2 reasons.

) ran out of Opana, my major pain med.... my fault for procrastionating on it.. but grrr
and 2nd, my dr a couple of wks ago, took me off MTX.. bc of my blood results, .. but
i have no idea what they were or meant and got no response.
ALOT of problems, w/ current provider, who thinks she makes "the schedule" , asks me for money.. and just a pain... looking for someone else.
So, I have to get the blood work, redone... . hopefully monday, the provider will show up and I can do that.
I'm in alot of pain, really really hurting and my shoulder hurts alot, mostly at night, or when my 15 lb cat lies on it, lol
 I also found out, heat is really bad for it.
Could i be getting RA in my shoulder?? its just on one side tho..maybe just the cat! lol
Usually heat works best w/ my body and i stay far far away from ice, etc..
Taking lots of vicodin/ valium.... but its not really hitting the mark...
So does anyone know how much, going off MTX, could hurt/ affect one??
I have no clue.. and um blush , lol this is my update!
Oh I went out last wk, friday for 6 hrs and i'm still paying for it!!!
Not fun....
on the other hand, Big Love , Usa of Tara... great shows!!!
I hope you get your meds soon and find relief.
I've had to stop mtx a few times because of blood results....currently off due to low white blood cell count.  Usually I'm off for 2-3 weeks and don't really notice too much of a change.
Hope you feel beter soon!
PS...I love Big Love as well!
Sounds like a flare. Hope you get relief soon.sTinkerBell2009-02-27 06:11:07When I had to go off MTX when I got to 2 1/2 weeks I went into a flare that lasted 9 weeks. I was off a total of 3 weeks- went back on for 2 and had to go off again for 1.  After being back on again for another 3 I had to increase my prednisone to kick the flare.
Hope you feel better soon.
Edited for typing all my words with the letters mixed up
wanttobeRAfree2009-02-27 06:22:21I too have pain when I miss even one week of MTX....
and USA of Tara rocks!!  I know Brooke (aka Diablo Cody, of Juno fame) who is one of the creators and writers from another website I frequented.. She's a riot!!
I guess I'll find out. I'm off this week due to a kidney infection..grr.
My dh and I use netflix to watch the cable series. We loved Weeds and Entourage. Oh, and I have RA in my shoulders. That was one of the first places it showed up. I know it's really painful... sorry, hope you feel better soon. It takes a couple weeks before I start to notice that I haven't had the MTX, probably 3 - 4. By the 4th week I'm getting really stiff and sore. Hope you can get this all straightened out.I am going through that now with the mtx... or, I should say without it.  I have been on mtx since '99 and, while it does not work by itself so much, it really works well with the biologics.  The biologics just don't seem to cut it w/o the mtx. 

I went through a period of time when my shoulder just would not quit hurting.  It made me so miserable... couldn't sleep, hurt to get dressed, to shower... well you know.  Then I had a med adjustment and it got better. 

Of course, it could be the cat...
I have been on MTX for several years and then was put on Orencia along with it but it caused real bad mouth ulcers so he took me off MTX and ever since I have been in a terrible flare kept telling him and he wouldn't listen well finally he did and I am back on it along with Orencia for 2 yrs and nothing seems to be working. I have had this flare going on since Aug. and had my achillies tendon flared I went to an Orthopedic surgeon today and you no what hje said... he ask how long have I been going to my Rhuemy and maybe I needed a 2nd opinion. He was almost sure that my troubles are with the RA flare and said he could go in and clean it out but if the flare is not under controll it won't do any good. He was surprised that I have been on the same meds for so long and it doesn't seem to be working anymore. He said sometimes the DR. gets tunnel vision and maybe someone new just needs to check it out. I am getting set up to have another MRI done along with a bone scan. Just more exspense .. Since August they have put me into a real medical debt. Insurance helps but the cost are still high. The only thing good about it is that my Orencia treatment is fully covered and no exspense out of my pocket. Sorry got carried away.. just was going to say that yes going off MTX can be very painful.  Laurathks guys! My opana was just delievered and i'm soo excited LOL
ohh i'm off Rituxan
My body rejected rituxan, nothing was sadder then watching them pour 15,000 down the drain...

Hi Whispered,

I am currently going thru a big flare because I could not take my mtx and humira this week.  Have an infection and GP did not want me taking my RA drugs.  I can really tell it, thumbs/wrist, shoulders, costo, and fatigue.  I am miserable!!!

I will be able to take everything Sunday night and can hardly wait.  Just took a pain pill.

So you are not alone with the flare.  Good luck to you.


Here too I guess. Been off the MTX a week and I am in so much darn pain! Taking painkillers every 4-5 hours. I am swollen all over, shoulder hurts so bad I can barely move the mouse. He wants me off for 3 more weeks!! My liver enzymes went wacko (56). So, had to stop the Naproxen and the MTX. I hate RA!
