Fact or Fiction? | Arthritis Information


Fact or Fiction...weather changes (like rain) cause RA to worsen?

I say Fact! ..............even though I can't find it medically proven. I'll keep googling.
Hi Tinks, I know mine feels worse, it is known that the barometric pressure affects us and that usually changes with rain.  Janie. Janie,
I googled barometric pressure  and arthritis and found a lot of information. I don't see that it has been medically proven. It is raining today and yesterday I started to hurt in all my joints and extra stiff and this morning RAIN RAIN RAIN....
I figured it was to rain today because I was hurt so yesterday and last night my fingers got really swelled and stiff and my knees hurt no matter what I done with them.
It has been raining since 4am.
I do not watch the news for the weather. I sometimes will check out weather.com for local forcast, but most times... I just know it is going to rain by the way I start to hurt and swell.
I say fact. Yesterday I had one of those ok days. It rained all day yesterday and in to the night. This morning when I woke up wow in a lot of pain.  Fiction for me. But that's how RA is-everyone is affected differently.Or the pain could have been caused by my fibro. But the swelling sure is RA. no connection for me between the weather and my RAyep.. that darn barometer!!
we had a warm spell come in today.......  60 degrees! 
and I'm in PAIN!
it'll be leaving tomorrow.. and it will get bitter cold again... and I'll hurt some more.
Heat does it for me, due to nodules on evert tendon on both hands, once they get warm, hands swell, v. painful.

Here's me wanting to retire to the Mediterranean as well I don't think the weather affects my RA, then again, if I paid real close attention to how I felt every day maybe I would see a pattern. It's just the same nagging level of pain and swelling. I put a ring on one finger, that I check occasionally, my swelling checker, not too bad this morning.fact! Its been raining here off and on for a couple weeks. Had to remove my "sweller checker" for fear I'd lose circulation to my finger!

Thanks guys. This is new for me and I definitely notice a difference in the intensity of my ache and pain. I found it interesting that some seem to sell more with weather changes. Thanks all for responding.


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