glucosamine | Arthritis Information


Does glucosamine, chondroitin, msm supplements help RA? It depends on the person I think. Some people swear by it, others say they don't notice anything. I for one noticed a slight difference while taking it but not enough to warrant buying it and besides it ended up elevating my cholesterol (which it can do) so I stopped it. But hey its worth a try, right. Keep in mind it can take up to 3 months to even see if its going to work, so be patient.I don't want to elevate my borderline high cholesterol. I never heard that- thanks for the info! The only info i have, came from my doc and he said No, it can't do anything..

but drs don't know everything, but I do trust this one.. shrug..
 I figure I have enough stuff that I'm on.. that I'm not adding anything else, unless I really need to or will work.. Plus I think i need the real "meds".. imo
I don't know about helping Ra I take Osteo Bioflex for my Oa and it really helps me.....IT helps somewhat.....Tim researched it for me and had me start on it and it did help. Turns out it is a natural supplement for like a pred pack I believe.Neither of the things you mentioned works like Pred. 
Glucosamine and Chondroitin work better together according to NCCAM research.  Yes, people report elevated cholesterol readings.
MSM LESSENS cholesterol. 
It should end up a wash with less pain after about 3 months and all three giving a benefit and working synergistically.  If the cholesterol levels are not optimum, you can add in a LITTLE niacin (too much can be toxic) and you should be fine (or you can eat more chicken for the niacin). 
This way, you don't need 'real meds' and their side effects.
