I really should be, but I am not! | Arthritis Information


I really should be doing some chores, maybe dusting, laundry something, anything to be moving...I feel so lazy. I know the key is to keep moving. I need motivation. I keep thinking about our upcomming trip to Florida..I almost "dread" it because I have issues with packing...I want to take it all!

I should at least get the suitcase out...I need to get off my butt.....what do you all do to push through and motivate?
I like Robert Schuller's inch by inch, it's a cinch!!!!  Helps me. [QUOTE=sTinkerBell]I really should be doing some chores, maybe dusting, laundry something, anything to be moving...I feel so lazy. I know the key is to keep moving. I need motivation. I keep thinking about our upcomming trip to Florida..I almost "dread" it because I have issues with packing...I want to take it all!  

Thanks Waddie. I think I will start with the list. This trip we are Driving. We haven’t picked a date, but we plan to go in about 2 weeks for 2 weeks. We haven't drove to Florida in so long. My husband promises we will not try the old drive straight through thing. He knows I need frequent stops to stretch. He is arranging his patience so we can go soon. I want to be ready at the drop of a hat. My parents, and two sisters , brother along with their spouses all live in Florida right on the beach. I am excited. Just not motivated to get things ready. I use to be such a planner and have everything in order. Now I seem to take things a day at a time.

Linnen, What I have to watch is we will have the car, I don’t want to take the closet…even though I have the room.

I wish I could one time take a vacation and just take my toothbrush and meds and makeup and jewelery and just go. Buy what you need as needed. That would be awsome. Except I don't like shopping so much these days, But just to go and not have to think about things would be freedom. I always take more than I need. I always say next time I wont do it again....sigh..

Tina what you've described is my ideal holiday but hubby absolutely refuses to go on a naturist holiday! [QUOTE=SnowOwl]I use a rewards system, honestly.  Will do a bit something needs doing, then sit with a cup of tea, a cookie and a magazine.  Do some more of something needs doing, surf online a bit, peek in here, smear on a refreshing facial mask, back at it, go out for a bit for some fresh scenery, call a friend - stuff gets done.  If I don't think of it as making one big push toward a chore or chores that all need to get done at once, which can seem overwhelming, it's easier, breaking it up and interspersing it with little rewards.[/QUOTE]
Do I get a reward for thinking about doing it?.....lol
Good Ideas though, thanks...I think I will reward myself with a carmelSnow, I want Kabuki zombie face too!  Wanna share the velvet face recipe? [QUOTE=SnowOwl    The egg/olive oil mask is the ickiest, makes my skin feel like velvet but while it dries I look like a Kabuki zombie.[/QUOTE]
Recipe please! This I could motivate myself to try!
Carmels and a face mask......almost heaven
lol...we are posting on top of each other...[QUOTE=wills08]
I have to take the kitchen sink with me [/QUOTE]
ooooh Kitchen sink....thanks I almost forgot...adding to my list...(snicker)
Okay Waddie, lets do it!.............I am going to go beat and egg and olive oil and make me a salad FACE.........................I'll report back in a few.....
Thanks, Snow!  I'm giving this a shot today!  I need a reward... I don't know for what, but I need one! Well, I did it and it made my skin feel velvet soft. Only thing is do not try to chew carmels while mask is drying...lol
I manage to unload dishwasher while drying. My DH thinks he could of cooked the leftovers..Thanks for the Tip Snow..I somehow feel better, at least the dishwasher got done, I put on makeup and my face is a glow!....inch by inch.
I think I will lay a few items on the guest bed for the trip. I'll leave the suitcase in storage for now. I think the suitcase is what gives me anxiety any how. So thanks for the tips Girls......Waddie how is your Zombie face going?
Tink, olive oil is on my short list!  A trip to the store is also on my short list!  Geeze my short list is getting long!

My Kabuki zombie facial (also on my short list) may have to wait until tomorrow (sigh).
[QUOTE=waddie]Tink, olive oil is on my short list!  A trip to the store is also on my short list!  Geeze my short list is getting long!

My Kabuki zombie facial (also on my short list) may have to wait until tomorrow (sigh).
Ok, you threw me with the trip to the store thing...shutter...I'd rather tske a beating then go shopping right now.
I have a solution...make several list waddie, that way they all will be short!..Although as cute as I look right now with my face all a glow..I should go out and let the world see...heheheee
Having a glass of wine...anyone joining me? We can have a online happy hour!OK but I'll bring a martini 

I got cheese and crackers......oh....and grapes...

I have some frozen potstickers I never tried before- should I bring those with a little soy sauce? Alright girls, my sister called...I am going to move this little party of mine to her house.
We are going to play a hand of poker or two....gotta get my change pouch and a bottle of riesling. Talk to everyone later. Wait until she see's my glowing, velvet soft skin..ha, she will be green with envy
So glad I have made friends here online...you all are a lot of fun!
Tink is going to get a little stinked tonightHave fun- enjoy! Hi Tinks, I am jealous, just a note about feeling guilty that we should be doing something, its more trouble than it is worth, I started ironing the boys uniforms for school and the sweat from a little effort was uncontrollable and the pain, discomfort and tiredness makes it all too difficult!  I hate not being in control and if I have a few drinks I suffer terribly with irritable bowel!!!!!  Can't win, have fun, Janie.
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