How long until Christmas? | Arthritis Information


How long from DX to REMISSION?.....

(Remission would be like getting exactly what you want for Christmas...)
Like the disease everyone is different.  It might take months to years.  Clinical remission for me was really elusive and I spent about 4 years seriously trying to achieve CR.  The other 5 was spent just trying to slow the disease and feel a little better.  That's when I should have been seeking CR and not waiting till the disease was entrenched because the longer you have RA the longer it takes to achieve remission or at least in my case that's the way it progressed.  Not everyone finds CR but it should always be your goal.  Take care.  LindyI have never aimed for remission as it has never happened yet since 2000, so I just have bad days, and really bad days, so far anyhow?  I shall start to think more about it, especially as I have given Rituxan a go.  Janie.