antibiotics | Arthritis Information


i know this is crazy, but since i have been taking some sulfa for a bad bronchitis  cough, i have less pain in my hips and knees. i am sure of it. what does this mean?I don't know why that is, but how exciting!!! The drug's name is "sulpha"?

I know what you mean.  I have been off the pred since Oct. of 2007 and still have some pain and stiffness in my hip and shoulders.  Since stopping the pred, I have been prone to more infections and sinus infections then before.  Seems like when I am on antibotics I feel so much better and have more enery.  I thought I had read some where that they used antibotics to treat PMR, in small doses.  i want to talk to my Dr the next time I go in but would like to find the place where I read this at.  