I can't sleep.. | Arthritis Information


Last night I had a fever and chills.. rip roaring chills. I stayed in bed til about 1230 but dragged all day long. Marsk and I were in bed again before 8 (hes been sick all week)

I fell asleep immediately, but woke up with inclredibly bad gerd, which makes me continously cough up slimy yellow mucus.  ICK ( my gallbladder is long since gone)
I'm taking Aciphex.. but in the past few weeks I'vce had nasty GERD a few times. its horrible. and combines with my asthma to make breathing a real pronlem.
I'm half asleep but if I lie down too soon, the gerd will come back.
 I can't see to type right.
feel better soon! no descriptions, just i'm sick is enough for me!! lol
 i imagine its flu time, .. so rest, fluids, you know the drill..

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