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Check out this link, which is the justification for CY2006 funding for NIAMS [Nat'l Inst of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Skin diseases]: http://www.niams.nih.gov/ne/reports/congree_rep/cj2006/justi fic.htm

Put "Synthetic Peptide" in your "Find" tool; it will lead you to the AT-001 [aka dnaJP1] drug that I'd written about before. Things look promising. Dare I dream?


Yes, I completely agree with you, furthmore I think that dr. Salvatore Albani will make diffefence in this endless circle of trying to find something that will finally work for people with RA and will not have such severe side efects like biol.

I was invastigating a little, and he gave so much to the science in a very short period.

Lee, I'm as excited as anyone about this research. It sure would be a great approach rather then supressing the immune system. Millions of people would be helped and I'm sure the research can be used in many autoimmune diseases. Lee Thanks............Geoff P.S. Ck out www.freshnews.com/cgi-bin/jsj_news/print.cgi?article_ID=2789 8   Article as of Nov 2 2005

I caught it, thanks. I know that Albani has an interest in juvenile RA, so I'm going to see if I can track down some papers he may have written and released to the medical community. Might shed some light.


Lee, Have you heard anythig new with DR Albani

Hi, Geoff,

Nothing. I contacted the biopharmaceutical he's affiliated with [Androclus Therapeutics] asking for more info and where they are currently. They emailed me right back and advised they were in talks with the FDA, though they didn't elaborate. I and several other people are eager for news.


Lee1234538713.8819791667thats encouraging
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