Last Week's Johns Hopkins Health Alerts | Arthritis Information


Great articles, as usual, Lynn....  The one about Vitamin D especially is interesting to me.. some may wish to read:

The latest research suggests that vitamin D may play a more important role in health than had been suspected. Healthy bones may not be the only function of vitamin D. Shortages may also be linked to multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as to breast and prostate cancers. All these disorders are more common in northern regions where people get less sun -- and lower vitamin D levels may be part of the explanation.

You can sign up for the health alerts from Johns Hopkins.  I find them to be incredibly useful and informative Thanks Lynn,
Several of these apply to me, especially the eyes have been severely affected last couple of days where even the light from the TV hurts. or the light in the room hurts. couldn't go outside.  the sunlight was overwhelming.
Shelly632009-03-02 20:23:11
Would encourage all to read this article put out by the National Institute of Health.