Is Vit C Really a Cure for PMR? | Arthritis Information


 I just read on the Canadian Arthritis PMR forum that a couple people really feel they have been cured from their PMR by taking 2000mg of Vit C a day!! So I started reading my nutrition labels, if I mix an "emergen C" pack with an "airborne" tablet in 8 oz. of water, that equals 2000 mg of vit C, plus the Airborne makes the emergen C taste better!!! They said it took a couple of days, so I'll be patient, and I'll let you know if I start feeling any better.

It should be a great diagnostic tool, because I can't take Pred and right now I am in the most pain ever. I took a Lortab (500 mg) early yesterday and tried to go to church. Even 3 hours post med, I sat there with tears streaming down my cheeks, (and not the spiritual kind either!! :)  My hubby took me home and put me back in bed. Ugh. The PMR has really settled into my neck these last 3 days and as I've mentioned before I suffer from dislocations in my affected joints. So I don't know if your neck can "dislocate" but mine is popping and grinding and pinching and I can hardly hold my head up. Just when I thought the pmr couldn't get any worse, or more painful.......little did I know.
While I'm crying and whining anyway, besides my neck, my left hand feels like it has been run over by a truck. The slightest bump or movement of anywhere on my hand drops me to my knees in pain.
I'm excited for the vit c test, you know my pmr symptoms started in Oct. of 2006 but didn't bring me to the doctor until Feb 2008. In other words, it was toleralbe. During that time I took a lot of Emergen C and airborne fighting off colds. I wonder if I was keeping the pmr at bay all those months? I guess we'll find out.
Take Care all, you have seriously helped me keep my sanity!!!
Hi Donette
I am quite sure that vit. C is not a cure for PMR just as prednisone is not a cure.  The vit. C may help in some way with the inflamation but it will not cure it.
I know that Nannaquilts...Geri went on an anti inflam. diet and felt that it really helped her.  Maybe if she is watching this she can give you a hand with the diet.  Smartie also has done a ton or research so she can be a lot of help to you. 
I really hope you can get some answers from this new Dr.  You do not deserve to be in this much pain.
Take care.
2young4 this

If you cannot tolerate Prednisolone, why have you not been offered Methotextrate?

Its newish and chemo based, but it has been used to alleviate the symptoms and sometimes people are given both.   Ask about it - that much pain is just no good enough in this day and age. 

There is now known cause or cure - that's why we are pushing for research into pmr and gca.

We are all trying something or other and if something helps you its worth the try.

"If you cannot tolerate Prednisolone, why have you not been offered Methotextrate?"
Because my my brilliant Rheumatologist is still SURE I could not possibly have PMR. He offered me Indocin though, which I feel is a waste of time and money. I have been on several NSAIDS (for 13 months now) and none seem to do any good.

I will ask the new Doc this week about Methotrexate and possibly Low Dose Naltrexone. They have had some very positive results with the LDN treating auto-immune illnesses.
Thanks everyone!!


any natural things you try just give them a good three months to work. Try pycnogenol...i took 200 mg a day. Completely safe and you can continue to take it long term. Go to i think and check out the site. It may help you also. You may want to try the serrapeptapse. check that out also. THese are natural anti-inflammatories. And ginger, tumeric....

Thank you, I must rely on the natural keeps my chin up to have
something to try anyway!!
2young,   I've seen several references to mycoplasma as the root cause of PMR.  They are a kind of bacteria that can hide from the bodies immune response.  One doctor recommends 100mg of Minocin (minocycline) twice a day.   I can't vouch for this and can't quote any articles since it's been a while since I googled PMR and mycoplasma and antibiotics, etc., but you might investigate it.
    My rheumatologist ignored my comments on the above, and didn't seem interested.  Most of them would rather treat symptoms than the disease itself.
     Anyone else looked into this?
Best wishes,  Bob
2young,  I did some googling and came up with this site:  
Now try to get a doctor to read it completely.  You might print out each applicable section and use highlighter to draw attention to the pertinent words.  Good luck! 
I do try and still follow the anti inflamatory diet, by Dr. Weil.   You can google Dr. Weil and read what he has to say about PMR and inflamation.  Very interesting.  I do think the Vit C, 2000mg a day helped me get off the pred.  I have been pred free since Oct of 2007.  From time to time I have some flair ups, but not like when it came on.  I do not eat Tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers on this diet.  I hope it helps and if I can be of any help, please let me know.  Geri