"WhistleblowerSuitFiledVsAmgenOverDrugMarketing" | Arthritis Information



From the article:
"The suit also alleges that both Aranesp and Enbrel were marketed for uses not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The suit alleges that part of this so-called "off-label" marketing was conducted on the online physician-education site Medscape, which is owned by WebMD.

New York-based WebMD spokeswoman Kate Hahn said "after a preliminary review of the WebMD programs that may be relevant, WebMD believes we complied with the rules and regulations applicable to our services." "

This is one of the reasons I think WebMD is sooo flawed, it's basically a Pharma company and most of the info is written by the companies.  Not much transparancy there.
Another good find!!  Glad you posted it.

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