Hi All New Members!! | Arthritis Information


Hi To all the new members I have yet to meet!

I am Jooniper aka Joonie. I am an admin over on RA Friends Message Board.

We created RA Friends to take the place of here AI, many of our members at RA Friends are Alumni Members from here and they just got tired of all the spammers and the board was not being tended to like need be, plus this board seemed to be going down all the time and for days at a time. There seems to be no board admin since July of this year. Many of us have emailed both this sites webmaster and forum admin and have never gotten a reply to this day.

We would love for ya'll to join or visit our board if you would like. We have no Spammers and when and if we do we play with them like a cat with a mouse

We have many different boards most of us like humor. We try to brighten someones day with humor. But we are serious when need be.  We have many seasoned RA'er's over there and someone is always there to answer your questions.

I am not trying to spam this board, I just read some of your posts and wanted ya'll to know where most of the highest posters moved to which are Roxy, Lovie, Jooniper, Pam_S, KarenNTx, wayney and many of the others! Look it up in the memberlist and select posts.

I hope to see some of ya'll over there if you feel like moving over there if not that is fine, we understand


Aha! You put out the cheese for the spammers and then spring the trap? You make them wiggle? Wicked. I am impressed.

OK, folks, I'm joining up! That's  www.rafriends.com


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