Question re JRA/Cataracts/Infection & Pregnancy | Arthritis Information


Yes it's the same question. Sort of.

Long story short: I thought I noticed my 2 year old son's eyes were not tracking right, especially when he was sick, and my husband has issues with rods/cones in one of his eyes and they look off to me when he was drunk/sleepy/sick.  And of course DH hasn't been to the eye doctor about this since he was in the Navy...I was able to get him to the GP this year, so maybe that's enough.
Pediatrician referred us to opt. to make sure nothing was wrong.  Well, it wasn't.  One eyelid is lower but eyes track perfectly, etc., no issues there.  Except a paranoid mama.
BUT....the opt. found a congenital cataract that had previously been missed?  I guess they screen at birth.  It is not in his "direct" lens or vision or what not, it's on the side or bottom or peripheral vision.  I need to go to the next appt to.  He said he's monitored many and only one had to have surgery, but also scheduled us back in 4 months.
So I'm looking and seeing how an infection in mom during pregnancy can cause this.  Well I didn't have any listed that I know of, but I had a rough pregnancy in terms of low-level viral infections, colds that wouldn't go away.  Well it started with a bladder infection that was caused by Strep A (throat) and then when I finally went in about the cold that wouldn't go away (no fever or other serious signs) I had strep in my throat without a fever, pain.  I didn't see anything about strep causing this but did see something about certain antibiotics might?  So maybe just maternal infection or antibiotics caused this thing.
But then I started seeing JRA references which freak me out.  No one else in my family has RA that I know of, except my uncle, in his hands/wrists, and I don't speak with him that often.  My dad didn't even know.  Well I wasn't dx with RA while I was pregnant but I'd had foot and hip problems before and was just TIRED during the pregnancy, I think RA had begun in one form or another, even though first big joint flare didn't occur until my son was 10 months old.  (I had a GREAT pregnancy the first time and felt great for about a year or year and a half after, 4 year old is quite healthy.  2 year old has only had a fever 1-2 times in his life, thrown up maybe 3 times, gets a lot of colds but only a few ear infections and seems fine).
So mainly I'm just venting but has anyone else dealt with congenital cataracts before?  I guess I am worried about JRA because the doctor hadn't seen this before at the visit and I guess they look for them on routine visits, so if it is new and caused by inflammation that would be an issue.  I am glad he is seeing us back in 4 months so I can mention that I have RA and have him address my concerns.  2 year old did pretty well at the appointment, my husband said it was the wait that bothered him more than anything.
So he just turned 2 and I wouldn't suspect problems with his joints, although he didn't walk until 15 months and is short, but now at 10th percentile! but still below the curve on weight.  He eats well and looks heavy enough, just a small guy....
Just rambling some more.  I was looking at the JRA info and I've always wondered if I was affected to a degree.  I always had horrible leg pains as a child, and several different dentists/orthos have told me that my jaw "didn't grow in all the way".  I was just looking at some JRA info and it was saying a profile/chin like mine is a sign of JRA useful for dx. 
Anyway, we shall see.
Katie - at least your doctors have caught it early, and I am sure they will be on top of this and provide good care.  You are a great Mom to have noticed this and brought it to their attention.  I know nothing about congenital cataracts, especially since I forgot to have children.  Just slipped my mind ...I have no information on this subject to give you but I am very interested to know anything you find out.  I have a 4 and 2 year old and I am pregnant.  My 4 year old has started complaining of leg and foot pain, of course I have been fearing the worst and my MIL is telling me to stop over reacting and that it is just growing pains.  I will not just let this go either.  Please let me know anything that you find out and good luck!I know I am probably worrying too much, but I am the sort of person that inquires and investigates until I have an answer.  I really should have been a PI.  Lawyer is close enough.  I will let you know what I find out, albeit not for 4 months...I think growing pains come at distinct times, 4 may be one of them.
I really should be charged per word on here.  I really do try not to write so much...oh well...
