Can you stop the pain of Arthritis? | Arthritis Information


Some of us have tried everything under the sun that we are aware of to try to rid the pain of arthritis. Yet the pain lingers on, like a persistent pest!

Arthritis sufferers include men and women, children and adults. Approximately 350 million people worldwide have arthritis. Over 40 million people in the United States are affected by arthritis, including over a quarter million children! The numbers are staggering and frightening


Many people who suffer from arthritis tend to rely on aspirin, ibuprofen and other non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to control their pain. But unfortunately NSAIDs do nothing to treat the under-lying condition. 

Consequently, arthritis pain tends to worsen with time.  In addition, NSAIDs can trigger a host of troublesome side effects, including digestive problems and high blood pressure.

Worst of all, new evidence suggests that NSAIDs can aggravate arthritis by blocking synthesis of proteoglycans, key molecules that help draw much needed water into dry, damaged joints. So now we have to worry about this aspect of the treatment

Today, more people are turning to natural treatments to help relieve the pain of arthritis.  Like celery seed, it contains 25 anti-inflammatory compounds that can reduce the pain and swelling of arthritis. 

Consume all the omega-3 oils that you can, they also have inflammation reducing properties that inhibit the development of arterial plaque that leads to heart disease and stroke.

The mangosteen fruit is the sole botanical anti-inflammatory with such proven COX-2 inhibition properties. This is a natural COX-2 inhibitor with medical research of the xanthones that are in the mangosteen fruit. The mangosteen has been referred to as nature's most powerful natural anti-inflammatory agent.

So don't settle for the quick solution of drugs because over time drugs do more damage than good. Explore new natural possibilities and give your body a helping hand to start repairing itself

Here's to your health!


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Good post David!

I also have a website about arthritis:

It focuses on proper nutrition along with more natural remedies to help with pain.

David thankyou for your well meaning post. My question to you is what type of arthritis do you have? and how long have you had it.  please respondI'm 34 y.o, I've been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis in 2004, when I was 29. I don't take any meds now. I'ts been 3 years that I live a pain free life. I just went to a seaside resort in 2006 and changed completely my lifestyle. I've lost a lot of weight, and I feel great! I eat CHERRY (fresh, dried, frozen), I drink Red DRY Wine, and I'm trying to be STRESS FREE. IT'S VERY IMPORTANT!!! Don't let PA put you down, try to be around POSITIVE people, RELAX yourself, try to take a
vacation (2 weeks or so) and go to a seaside resort (Dead sea is the best), if not, then any sea or ocean is good... Please know that there's a cure, and you can make it, you just need to be strong and believe in yourself!!!! You guys all forgot Copper Bracelets and whatever else the jerks trying to sell " cures everything "  claims.........HHHMMMM     SPAMSo you guys don't believe in medication?

Young Wife
Hi Guys!

I truly believe it starts and ends with what you put in your body (you are what you eat), and that medications WILL eventually take its toll on our system.....mentally, emotionally and of course physically (the ol' ripple effect).

We have all been aware of the concept regarding the 'quick-fix' or the 'magic bullet'. Maybe it's an innate trait in so many humans, that we need to try and find the easiest and fastest way out of a solution, without giving much consideration to the consequences. I do have to agree with the original poster, that meds will not solve the underlying cause.

It's really a band-aid that's all. That's why ya gotta go for the throat with arthritis, cut it at the jugular, at its core, by not relying on synthetic band-aids, but rather find the right foods, fitness regimen and body cleansing to help us get over the pain - it does work, but it does take time, patience and desire - depending on how badly we want to be pain-free. There IS light through the forest - I've seen it already and I truly hope others will too!

Hi All,
It is really important to educate yourself on the drugs you are taking.  Each person will respond differently to each drug.  If at first a drug does not seem to be working, your doctor may actually suggest just changing the dosing schedule of that drug for example.  Sometimes this will work and this will allow you to possibly have a better response to the drug.  This is important because it gives you and your doctor more options over time.  If you do not seem to be getting an effective response to a particular drug and then decide to quickly change to another drug, then you will quickly run out of options.  Using drugs to treat pain or any other symptom is by trial and sometimes error.  Some people will respond very well to certain drugs while others will get no response to that same drug.  It is important to be very active in your own disease and be aware of your body.
Arthritis of the hip causes severe pain, and sometimes requires surgical treatment, including hip replacement. People that have infections, injuries, or diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus will speed up the process. Arthritis decreases the mobility of the hip, causing pain and difficulty with walking and daily activities.  Get more Arthritis Information on VidoeMD mattrich2010-01-07 06:24:05

The pain associated with arthritis can definitely be very intense. What's worse is that every time your arthritis flares up, your normal range of motion can be limited to a significant degree. As a result, you cannot do all the things you used to do before arthritis took over a great part of your life.

There are many different forms of arthritis, the most common of which includes rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout. Contrary to popular belief, arthritis can be managed quite successfully. All you need to do is enlist the aid of certain medications formulated specifically to deal with the symptoms of the disease and adopt some healthy lifestyle changes. Be free from the ties that bind you with arthritis and live life the way you used to! Here are some surefire strategies that can help you deal with arthritis:

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There is no way to turn back time when all your cartilage is gone.  It just doesn't grow back.  Sorry.  No amount of apple cider vinegar, copper bracelets, nutritional supplements or even medications.  If you have osteoarthritis and your bones are rubbing against each other, you will need to decide what options will make your life more comfortable. 

Nothing has really taken the pain away from my arthritic hips.  I've exercised, and taken supplements and all kinds of pain killers.  But the truth is my bones rub against each other; there's no cushion in between; it hurts because that just what happens when bones rub against each other.  I've seen the x-rays and believe my surgeon. 

It is not a cop=out to choose surgery to replace the joints that have no cartilage.  At my age, I feel it is my best option.  Not all arthritis can be managed with diet and exercise.  I hope to return to an active life once I get new joints that move smoothly (well, after a few months of intensive PT and exercise...)
[QUOTE=Hennagirl]There is no way to turn back time when all your cartilage is gone.  It just doesn't grow back.  Sorry.  No amount of apple cider vinegar, copper bracelets, nutritional supplements or even medications.  If you have osteoarthritis and your bones are rubbing against each other, you will need to decide what options will make your life more comfortable. 

Nothing has really taken the pain away from my arthritic hips.  I've exercised, and taken supplements and all kinds of pain killers.  But the truth is my bones rub against each other; there's no cushion in between; it hurts because that just what happens when bones rub against each other.  I've seen the x-rays and believe my surgeon. 

It is not a cop=out to choose surgery to replace the joints that have no cartilage.  At my age, I feel it is my best option.  Not all arthritis can be managed with diet and exercise.  I hope to return to an active life once I get new joints that move smoothly (well, after a few months of intensive PT and exercise...)
Wise words...And very honest too!
Thanks so much for sharing them You can ease the pain and live a normal, productive life with the right medication. Aspirin is commonly prescribed for arthritis but it can irritate the stomach. Please remember that anything we put in our bodies has an effect of some kind to our physiology. The liver has to manage most of what we put in our bodies and most forms of pain relievers are absolute disaster for them.The least we take them the better.Try to stay natural, otherwise the liver is bogged down trying to get rid of stuff it was never made to deal with.Arthritis results from the deterioration of soft tissues that cover and protect the joints. When this happens, the bones rub against each other, which is painful. While doctors are still on the process of determining what exactly causes arthritis, many believe that the deterioration may be caused by the pressure of gravity on the joints - the wear and tear of life, so to speak. Also, obesity and heredity contribute to deterioration.
With Yoga, these aspects of a person's physique and life can be greatly enhanced. Yoga Poses can help strengthen your joints which is crucial in preventing and dealing with arthritis. It makes your joints function normally, thus reducing the risk of stiffness. With its virtue of balance, Yoga practice helps regulate the levels of uric acid in the body. Obesity may also be avoided through the practice. More importantly, Yoga can lead to an overall healthier lifestyle that can enhance your resistance not only from arthritis but to other sicknesses as well.
