Day three, Smoke Free | Arthritis Information


Can't say I am over the moon about it. I have resolve to make it stick....just not happy...really wish I had "hid" one....

this is as close to a drooling as I can get) and cinnamon!  Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Thanks all..........I have chewed carmels until my teeth  hurt....I am currently smoking a coffee stir......I threw away my lighter or I would put fire to the straw..(kidding)..sorta...
 I was a closet smoker, so a lot of people who know me don't know why I am currently borderline phsyco..I think I should stay close to home.
I am having toe cramps..........right this second..........Grrrrrrrrr
Congrats! If you made it this far you are home free! Just remember to do some deep breathing when you get the urge. It's the inhale and exhale you are actually missing. How nice to breathe in nice clean air instead!
Best of luck!
Good for you!  I used to smoke 3 packs a day.  I woke up, tossed the suckers in the trash because I wanted to have kids and didn't want them around them.  I loved my cigarettes and it was hard...but I did it.  YOU CAN TOO.  One day at a time!Wow, best of luck.  I am a recovering alcoholic, but never smoked, but all my AA friends have said that nicotine is harder to kick than alcohol, drugs, coffee, everything.  You have to stop smoking with RA, so just break it down into a minute or an hour or a day that you won't smoke.  Pretty soon it will pass as you put together your smoke-free times into a recovery from smoking.  Keep up the good work and we are all pulling for you. Cathy
I was trying to find some cheerleader emocons but this is the closest I could find.
Just remember what an amazingly good thing you are doing for yourself.
The chocolate and cinnamon idea is great....I say go for it!
yay, Tink!!
keep it up.. never give up!!  You can do this!!
I quit six months ago........  I will never quit again!!! 
do not give up!!!

Thanks everyone.........from the bottom of my heart.

I am going to do this, I gave my car keys to my hubby, told him to hide them....I can not be trusted right now...I know me. I could come up with several reasons to have just one more. Of course I would have to buy a whole pack to have just one more, Ha..then I would probably save the rest just in case...I am telling you today and tonight have been the one and two weren’t so bad..I think it is because I am feeling like this is for real and it scares me. I know it sounds stupid..really stupid. But even though I was ashamed of my addiction to nicotine, I am finding tonight to be really hard..

Snow, thank you for the ideas for the facials..I will try some and report back. I read them and got I'll probably gain 20 pounds before it is over..I don't care I can always diet later.


Funny thing is, I use to think I didn't smoke so much, or my habit wasn't no big deal..yeah right what a lie,. This is sux.

You hit the nail on the head...I do not find smokers cough atractive, I want pink lungs, and now that I have all these potions to mix and put on my face ( thanks to snow) I will not have the smokers skin....
I want to live smoke free. It is amazing the lies you tell yourself as you puff away..I am going to make it..
YEAH Tink.  The best present you could ever give to yourself.  I quit cold turkey in 1985 and to this day I still want a cigarette, no joke.  I won't smoke again, because like Babs I never want to have to quit again.  It was by far one of the most difficult things I've ever done.  Drink lots of liquids to help flush your body and don't do what I did - I got addicted to sugar coated fruit candies.  LindyCongrats Tink....I also kicked the habit, its a great feeling after 6 months and brilliant feeling after a year... I found changing my day was the key to quitting, I used to have breakfast and then go check my emails with a coffee and a I have breakfast and do tai chi for half hour ( RA allowing)..then i do emails I never sit after eating a meal as thats when i used to find it hard not to have one. At the end of each week that I hadnt had one I used the money I saved and donated it to the British Heart foundation ( my father died of massive heart attack) I dont even think of having one anymore. I did buy a lot of carrots in that time and cut then into strips and munched on them when i felt I missing that cigarette in my hand...its the habit and if you can break the cycle by replacing it with something else you will  do it. Good luck