21 hours and counting... | Arthritis Information


In less than 24 hours I will be in my hospital room, recovering from my hip replacement.  I'm excited, terrified, calm, stressed, peaceful, worried....

Probably all perfectly natural.
Truthfully, I'm more worried about this surgery than I was about my knee replacements a few years ago, or my spinal fusion lasst October.  I don't know why.  I think I'm more worried about the family than myself.  Hubby always loses it when I'm having surgery and am in hospital.  He really stresses big time.  Daughter always trys to look after dad and brother, keep information flowing about my condition, working full time...yada,yada,yada.  Son thinks he is sooo cool and macho, but worries about his mum, and hates hospitals.
I think I'm more worried about  being sent home before I'm ready and being home alone all day because everyone is working.  I won't even be able to make myself a cup of tea and get it to my chair.  Maybe I'll make a thermos of tea and hang it around my neck with my cup....and some snacks...
I'm going to be in over the weekend and will miss both kid's birthdays, one on Sunday and one on Monday.  We will probably have a family party the next weekend and rely on everyone to bring the food.  I better get some presents ready, lol.  Oh well, I'm rambling, probably nerves..
I'll let you all know how I go when I get back home.
Be back soon...
Good Luck Pam!!!Pam,
I can well understand your not wanting to be 'home alone' when in the first stages of recovery from hip op.  is there any possib ility of spending even a few days in a rehab unit?  i was fortunate enuf to be able to do that when i had replacement knee and it was such a help.
Best wishes for successful op and recovery,
Good luck to you.  I also counted down the hours to surgery.  It is a strange feeling...both dreading it and looking forward to it. 
Wishing you an easy surgery and recovery....Let us know how you are doing.

wishing you a successful surgery and speedy recovery also!

see you soon.

Good luck, Pam!  My Dad had his hip replaced and was up and walking the next day.  He was FINE and I mean it.

I wish the very best for you.
Pip, you dad is the exception.
Yes, Pam  you will be fine and they will get you up the very next day, but there is healing and recovery time that will need to take place. Be assured it will get better and better everyday. Hang on to the thought that you will be pain free in that hip. That is what my friend commented on the most, he was amazed that all the original hip pain was gone, it was just surgical pain that needed to take time to heal . He was golfing 10 weeks out. I thought that was awsome!....
Saying Prayer for you and your surgical team.......
Waiting to hear the good report....
YAY!! Wishing you a successful surgery and speedy recovery!
I'm sure you'll be in very capable hands. (Thought the joke was funny!)
Pammy's gonna be bionic!  Yay, dancing days are here again, let us sing a song of cheer again, Dancing days are here again!!Pam,
Best wishes for your surgery. It will all work out just fine. Don't worry, be happy. I know a elderly lady that had her knees done and was amazed that she was pain free for the first time in many long years.
Keep us posted when you can.
My prayers are with you and your family.
take care
Hi Pam, you lucky woman......a new hip!!  No pain, you can walk up and down stairs, dance, bowl, whatever you want.  You'll do fine, enjoy the pain pump (I sure did when I had my knee replaced) and keep us posted.  Write long answers and start many topics, it will give you something to do.  Have your family fix your lunch and put it in a cooler/thermos next to your recliner or bed along with drinks and fruit.  That way it will be close by.  Take care and I'll be thinking about you.  LindyGood luck Pam, Its stressful when you have family to consider  but this is for you and your family as it will make you feel so much better. My neighbour is recovering from Hip op and she is 73. She wasnt up and about like Pips dad but she has been remarkable and said its the best thing she ever did for her body..lol...Thanks guys.  ONly 10 hours to go.  I'm thinking I want a McDonalds Sundae before my midnight NPO.  I'll have to put my request in to the powers that be.  The anesthetist phoned today and went through all the pre-op stuff on the phone.  The admission clerk called and went through all the admission stuff.  And now I just have to show up at 6:30 for my 8:am surgery.  This is all the stuff they used to do when you were admitted the day before surgery. Now they do it on the phone and get you to show up at some ungodly hour of the morning (well night actually).  I think I liked it the other way, that way I get to sleep in. 
I packed my bag this afternoon, a pile of mags and puzzle books.  Funky p.j's and nightie so I can get rid of that double funky hospital nightie ASAP.  I'll take my super duper decorated crutches and be the belle of the ball.
I'll be in touch soon.  Everybody take care.
Hi Pam, I hope you are running marathons again soon Pammy you are in my prayers for a safe surgery today! All the best. Let us know as soon as you are able about how you are doing!!!!!Good luck on your surgery and wishing you a speedy recovery!  Hiking_galAll perfectly natural feelings, Pammy!  Scary and elation at the same time, something only the best drugs can make you feel LOL!  I will be hummmmmmming loud and clear for you tomorrow and blasting you with healing energy and light too!  Please post as soon as you can and all the best only to you!
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