I'm tired of not feeling well | Arthritis Information


Anyone tired of not feeling well.  I'm the most expensive drug know to MAN!! kind and still have pain and just feel awful. This is just unreal.  YES!! I'm having a bad day.  It's cold, rainy and overcast and I just feel Yuky... I  just want to go home and sleep, sleep zzzzzzzzz....  I'm going for my Umteenth Orenica shot and I hope it works on my inflamed knee this weekend.

Sorry folks need to vent and I know I have friends in common on this site..  Hee.. Hee..


DX_RA 1996 13 Years
Meds Orencia, Methox, Fosamax, Folic Acid, Prednisone, 
Fish oil, Vitamin C, Iron, Vitamin D Enzyems.  Whew!!! Vent away!! We feel your pain... and you know it! ;)   I bet the weather is also making you feel worse. I hope the day goes by quickly so you can get home and in bed to relax!

My knees are really bad right now too! Its cold and overcast and the OA, RA combo platter that is my knees is giving me fits. Either the cortisone shots from last week aren't working or.... I would be completely crippled without them. Who knows?
So, I know how you feel and I hope we both feel better soon!My meds work it seems when it's convient.  They are working but they never work as well as we want them to. I take the orencia and in conjunction with the Methox and sometimes it works. After awhile the Methox makes me sick and crazy. Thanks for asking.

Yes, I am tired of not feeling well. I miss the old me, I was way fun.....not so much right now.

Day 5....no cigs...........................................grrrr
I was just going to ask about that Tink!  I am proud of you, stick it out! Your2, I am having bouts of nausea served with my Humira.    Sorry you are having problems too! waddie2009-03-05 18:00:39Your2, I totally relate. Hang in there, do what you can to relax, and hopefully feel better soon.
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