what does OT stand for? | Arthritis Information


I'm a newbie and have what's probably a stupid question.

Why do some subject titles here start with OT.... what does that stand for?
Cathy, it stands for Off Topic.

The Topic being RA and anything associated with it.

Sometimes people put OT but they are talking about is still RA related. An example of that would be that an RAer is having trouble with her family understanding that she can't do what she used too. As far as I am concerned, that is still about RA but if you put up a post about your child's graduation or them getting into a wonderful college then that is Off Topic.

Off Topic is supposed to be a courtesy to let people know that the thread is off RA so if they don't want to read it, they don't have too. 
Cordelia2009-03-05 15:45:44Sorry, Snow love. It's morning here...8.51am and Neve just got picked up for school and I was where I usually am being a girl geek...at my computer.  And Cathy, there aren't any stupid questions here. If you don't ask you won't learn...simple. So ask away about anything at all. Knowledge is power with this disease. We welcome any kind of questions. I didn't know what OT was either when I started.  [QUOTE=SnowOwl]

I'm settling in for an evening of computer geekitude myself here.


Thanks for the explanations. I get it.
By the way, this is very fun... talking with people all over the world!
Yep, it is fun. When I tell people here that I know people all over the world with RA, they look at me with bewilderment.

I think there are about 8 - 10 of us Aussies who are regular posters here.

I live in a state called Queensland. In the hinterland (mountains) part of what is called the Sunshine Coast, where there are some great beaches. I live in the bush and have a river running through my back yard.  
Awesome Cordelia! I wish I could say something cool like "I live in the bush" or "I live in the hinterland" of theSunshine Coast, no less! Around here when people ask you where you live they mean which side of Redwood Road. I live east, btw. Sometimes I just say "That way" or "Over there" or "Huh?"
I'm going to try it though. The next time someone asks where I live I'm going to say "In the Hinterland of the Sunshine Coast in the Bush" OMG I can't wait!!!
Thanks for asking this question Cathy Marie, and there are no dumb questions, at least none dumber than the ones I ask. I always thought OT stood for "Overtly Terrifying" and was afraid to open those threads.... Now I can point my mouse without fear    [QUOTE=leila]I always thought OT stood for "Overtly Terrifying" and was afraid to open those threads.... Now I can point my mouse without fear   I so love that name Leila! Sorry....nothing to do with the topic; but that's the first time I'm noticed your name. My husbands Grandmother's name was leila and I wished we would have had a daughter together so I could have named her that.
Sorry.....back to the subjuct; nothing to add here :)
I live in a state called Queensland. In the hinterland (mountains) part of what is called the Sunshine Coast, where there are some great beaches. I live in the bush and have a river running through my back yard.  

Oh Cordelia what a beautiful place to live. I can hear the sound of the river running in my mind. Must be like having a little slice of heaven on earth. I live in the hot desert in the middle of the city jungle. I always enjoyed going to the mountains every summer for camp. One of my favorite childhood memories.

Welcome. I don't believe we've met. Everyone is so helpful here don't hesitate to ask away! !
I'm going to very subtly hijack the thread... but so subtly that no one will really notice...
a sunburned snow owl...now that's awesome! Cordelia you are COOL. Girl you live in the BUSH..it doesn't get cooler! Lovie, thx. My grandma's name was Anina, which is neat because its the same backwards and forwards. One of our daughters has it as a middle name because I couldn't convince him that it would be a great first name. ah, well..


I'm ScarletOwl tonight.  And ScatterbrainedOwl.  That's one sad owl.


Or absolutely silly owl!
Cordy, I've known quite a few men who lived in the bush, and I even know a few women who live in the bush, but here it has a slightly different meaning!
I dont really think theres a lot on here thats OT ..most of it somehow relates back to RA.  Unless its the politics thread or someone trying to sell something. Its like one big ( maybe not always) happy family and if something great happens in our lives a lot of us post without  an OT as we want to share our happiness with everyone not just our pain.....
Have fun here cathymarie.
I can sometimes be the big OT person....it seems though it always relates back to Ra with energy and fatigue and capability. Now with the economy so bad an d insurance next for those who even have it it all sort of intertwines.

SOme of us have made friends through the years and just keep in touch. THe advice is so helpful at least to me because I have few people to bounce stuff off of.

Those of us who are grandparents like to share pics and milestones. I feel sad for my grandson at times cause he will grow up in such a an uncertain world, hopefully tings will change. We keep it positive regardless.

Welcome. SOrry you have RA. IT is the pits but you adjust;sometimes more than others.OK, I want to practice my OT skills here.  about your name Leila.  We named our youngest daughter Lelia which is yet another variation of Leah. We call her Lelia (rhymes with maria) but when she started middle school, she told people her nickname; Lia, so anybody who met her after 13 +her sister, calls her Lia, which is pretty too. We found it in a baby name book that said not only like all the other Leah variations; dark-haired one, but amazingly to us, this book said "dark-haired oriental beauty". We adopted her from Korea. She's 28 now and drop dead-gorgeous.
So, there's my OT ... I told you I get it!

This is absolutely the funniest thread we've had in a long time.  Thanks to sunburned owl, cool cordie, funny woman leila, and anyone else I missed for a fun read, I needed it.   Lindy

Yep, Cathy, you got the OT thing.  Cathy you've definitely got the hang of the OT thing! We have 2 adopted daughter and we initially looked into a Korean adoption. Since my husband is asian, we thought China or Korea would be a no-brainer (which between you and me, is the only kind of decision I can make). But through a long and relatively boring series of events, we eventually became foster parents and adopted 2 of our first 5 babies. They are both black. So now our family... asian dad, white mom, biracial bio kids, black adopted kids... looks like we are perpetually auditioning for some kind of diversity training video.   

I love the name Lelia, so pretty. Mine is pronounced LeeLa. I don't know where it comes from or why. My parents were teenagers so I'm lucky I didn't end up with a name like Starshine or Moonbeam or Moonshadow. or JerryGarcia...or whatever.. Wow Lelia, thats a wonderful thing to do. I think fostering is a brave thing as well as a fullfilling thing, as its got to be heartbreaking when the kids move on..I know some stay for a long time. My cousin fosters, she has had over 100 kids through her house over the years. If my RA was better id like to do emergency fostering( not sure what you in USA call it) but its when a child needs to be placed over night  or a weekend to get it away from danger..Yes Mrs P, its called emergency care or shelter care here in the states. We were foster parents before I had RA. I know I couldn't do it now. I am so very lucky to have been able to care for the babies for however short or long we had them. It was very fulfilling, and since foster care brought us our two youngest daughters, quite a blessing as well. But you are right, it can be quite a heartbreak. Its not so much about the babies moving on, as it is the circumstances they are moving to. If they are going to a loving family it really softens the blow. If they are going into questionable circumstances, your heart just aches. I'm not sure the ache ever goes away.
If I ever am stable enough Id like to do shelter care or maybe even...*gasp*..teenagers

This has got to be the ultimate OT thread!
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