Relief is sooooo nice! | Arthritis Information


I was dx with Psoriatic Arthritis several months ago and have forgotten what it's like to feel "normal". I've been in somewhat of a denial stage, telling myself it's not so bad and so forth. Trying convince myself and others that my pain was mild. But the reality was, I was scared and in a great deal of pain. It changed everything. I didn't want to go anywhere because my feet hurt. I was kinda depressed and felt like life had changed forever. I started MTX and after 5 weeks or so, I was convinced it wasn't going to work. And even if it did work, I figured the relief would be less then complete for sure. But then, thank God, I woke up one day last week and much to my surprise, my feet barley hurt at all!!!  I was excited but cautiously optimistic. And now after a week and half I soooooo glad to say i'm PAIN FREE!!!!!  It's the best feeling ever. I'm running again, walking normal, going out and doing things, and having fun once again!  Figured everyone would like to hear a success story today! Relief IS possible after all, so hang in there!congratulations!   I am excited for you!!! Yeah!Hey Pall, your so right, relief and remission is possible.  Am very happy that you're up and running around.  The disease is so insidious that you don't realize how much you've given up or how much it hurts till it stops hurting.  Denial is the worst thing we can do to ourselves.  Been there and done that and caused quite a bit of damage to my wrists, feet and knees.  Take care and may relief continue for you.  LindySo happy for you!