Infection with Humira injections | Arthritis Information


The instructions for the injection say not to give yourself the injection if you have an infection (such as an open sore, etc.). Does that mean if you have any open sore you shouldn't take it -- such as, a papercut, a scratch, raw cuticles? Or do they mean a more serious, diagnosed infection? Thanks.


Kathy~you'll be fine with a small cut or something like you mentioned. Use some antibiotic orintment with any kind of skin problem....while on these meds it takes longer for sores such as these to clear up and the likelyhood of a sore getting infected is higher while on these medications.

I take Humira & MTX and have only stopped taking my meds while on antibiotics to treat sinus infections and bronchitis. I just use my doctor as a rule of thumb. If my "cold" gets to the point that I feel it's not getting better and I have to see a doctor for an antibiotic...then I have to stop my meds. Your GP might not know; you might need to put in a call to your RD.

