Dry mouth | Arthritis Information


I've had an extremely dry mouth for the last month or so.  My teeth stick to the inside of my mouth and also feels like my throat is sometimes stuck/closed if that makes sense.  I bought some oral balance gel and it's helped a bit.  Just wondering if anyone knows of anything else that can be used to help a dry mouth.Sojgren's

 talk to your RD.. this was the first sign for me.  sometimes I will be talking and cant get my mouth unstuck.
Oral balance helps.. so does   boitene mouthwash. suck on sugarless candy but watch for the runs.  I drink flavored water.. regular  doesnt seem to help  but a citrus splash or something does. I  keep it on my bedside table.
Are you sleeping with your mouth open?  That can cause it too.  Moisturize your nostrils with  "AYR" its  a pure saline gel. and you may not breathe through your mouth and that could help.
sorry kelstev......  I know exactly what you mean!  I've had it for years and finally got a DX of Sjogrens. 
listen to kathy..... and Snow!!
I do not use any flavoring or sugared water.. straight H2O to keep my teeth clean and prevent the decay that comes w/ sjogrens.. dentist said I'm doing an okay job!!
but the most important thing is to watch out for your eye!
babs102009-03-07 16:00:02ooops I meant to say that the flavored water is  sugar free.   zero cal.  believe me I got enough tooth problems without getting nursing botle mouth.I've been having this too- I've been using sugar free candies. Hi Kel, I too have sjogrens and get those symptoms. The meds the doctor gave me dont help me , i use biotene mouth wash which has been a godsend, i constanty munch on lettuce as the water in it helps, i eat lots of melon . I cant drink water as it might sound strange but it hurts my mouth when its so dry. I found chewing sugar fee gum is also great. Make sure you see your dentist reg. as my teeth have suffered a lot with this.
Thanks for the info..I do have sjogrens.  I  find chewing gum helps.  Guess there's really not a whole lot that can be done.  Thanks again.
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