Oh Well | Arthritis Information


Well I thought I got relief from increasing to the 20 mgs of oral MTX. I had a couple of days of awakening without being in pain in my wrists and hands when throwing back the covers. I had just limited pain upon movement of the same during the day. I planned on starting my taper down from 10 mgs. prednisone on Sunday.
However Friday and today...not so good. Just feel randomly achy all over. Also wrists and hands- no good.
My doctor said give the MTX at least a month to feel pain relief but if I don't get relief keep taking it until I see him in 2 months because it may be doing things behind the scenes for inflammation and progression.
He did say I can't stay on the 10 mgs. of prednisone so even if it is doing things behind the scene if I'm having pain on 10 mgs. something else will have to be added I figure.
What is it about RA that it can change from day to day, sometimes hour to hour.
Sorry to read that you aren't doing so well.  Yes, what is it that causes RA to change day to day, or hour by hour?  That is what makes it difficult for me to go to work some days.  I'm lucky that I'm not having a lot of pain, but I have days where "I just don't feel good".  I'm also having tons of fatigue.  Do others have days where "they just don't feel good" too?   At least that's better than days where the pain is really, really bad - I'm thankful I'm not having those right now.  I'm just pooped all the time though.  Is this normal for RA?That's exactly my description- I just don't feel good. I can take the level of pain. I have been going to bed extra early and falling asleep in my chair at like 8 PM too. Yawn all day long....
Nothing HORRIBLE- but annoying.
So sorry you're feeling that badly  .......  I remember those days too well......  sleep when you need to..... hang in there w/ the MTX .. you haven't done that many extra doses yet.. it may take time......  I hope it works soon!! [QUOTE=Flamingo]Sorry to read that you aren't doing so well.  Yes, what is it that causes RA to change day to day, or hour by hour?  That is what makes it difficult for me to go to work some days.  I'm lucky that I'm not having a lot of pain, but I have days where "I just don't feel good".  I'm also having tons of fatigue.  Do others have days where "they just don't feel good" too?   At least that's better than days where the pain is really, really bad - I'm thankful I'm not having those right now.  I'm just pooped all the time though.  Is this normal for RA?[/QUOTE]

I have quite a few days were I just don't feel good. And I have many days just feeling all washed out like I have really exerted myself but I haven't done a dog gone thing. Frustrating as all get out, but way better than being in pain I'll admit.  I was told fatigue to some degree was normal in RA.
Wanttobe~~Sorry you are feeling awful. Rest as you can and be good to yourself how ever you can.  I can relate with that.  At every Dr visit, I tell her about how every day I get to a point where I feel flu-ish.... terrible body aches, brain shutting down, and when those huge yawns begin... my family sends me to bed. Actually, I've learned to recognize the signs of it starting and try to lie down soon. When I wake up 2hours later I feel much better (yes, I sleep very well at night- 8hours). If I do pay attention and give into it soon, I don't usually need any pain med. So, that's my trick. Unfortunately, I have no control about the timing. It usually starts about 5hours after I wake up in the morning (no matter what I do) but some days only 4 and others 6. Before I figured this all out, I'd have episodes in the grocery store, call my husband in tears on his cell and tell him I'm just standing frozen in the can goods isle, can't move, what should I do. He always offered to leave work to come get me, but of course that's not reasonable so I'd just abandon my cart and go home. Now, I know to pay attention and just eliminate an errand if I'm getting close to my breakdown stage. Every day I adjust my life around this. Yesterday I should've gone to the bank and PO, just stayed home. So, I know what you mean about not feeling good.

Sorry you are not feeling that much better, wannabe. I hope it kicks in for you soon.
I feel tired all the time, but it is more like I need sleep than anything else. Like this weekend I have been sleeping a lot and then today... I just feel better like I do not need to sleep.
I 90% of the time do not feel well. It is not a a feel sick not feel good. It is more like an overall blah feeling. Like you get before you come down with something. At least that is how it is for me anyways.

I forgot about your methotrexate question.  Since it takes months to kick in when first starting it, I wonder if that applies to an increased dose too.  CathyMarie

Yeah the doctor said it could take a month for it to kick in- but I got tricked when I had a couple of good days. I mean really good days-like I wouldn't have even known I had RA! That's what I hate about this disease I feel like I'm always getting duped. Like it's mocking me or something.
I guess I need to take a new attitude and just be very happy on good days, deal with the bad and when the days are bad be thankful that I'm still functional and remember that there are others who suffer more.
My RD is accessible in between but truthfully even at my last visit he pretty much told me he did not think I was going to get the result I was looking for by doing this.
He was perfectly fine with appeasing me and letting me try what I wanted to do but said just go home and think about biologics. I'd like you to give them a 2 month try. If you weren't happy after 2 months you could go off but I really feel that you will feel so much better you won't want to. He said if you decide you want to try- just call me any time.
So I have been mulling over it...but look what happened to momto3- here she thought she was going to get relief and got an allergic reaction instead!
Stinkin RA- trickster!
I say go for the biologicals. I was afraid at first too, because I AM AFRAID of needles. But I guess it is kinda like having to hit rock bottom before trying a biological when you are afraid of needles.
For me, I am afraid of getting shots now, before I was afraid of anything that involved a needle. But now I can handle having blood drawed and the Remicade infusions because they have become pretty regular in my life. I still will not let them drain my swelled to the max joints, give me cortisone injections or even the most recent discussion... trigger point injections. No matter how much pain or problems I am experiencing. Because I AM afraid of needles.
When I started on Humira I was getting it every 2 weeks. They grew on me and grew on me even more when I had to do it once a week. But if I ever had to go a month or so without getting one... I would revert back to being afraid of the needle and would try to talk my hubby out of giving it to me. It was a good thing he was in charge of jabbing me and not me
I say... give one a try. Because if you do... you might have more days of feeling better. I know I look forward to my Remicade infusion because I know it helps me. Even though it has caused me to have other issuses, but the little to no swelling and decreased pain and problems far out weighs having those other problems. For me anyways.
joonie2009-03-08 06:57:40 [QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]
My RD is accessible in between but truthfully even at my last visit he pretty much told me he did not think I was going to get the result I was looking for by doing this.
He was perfectly fine with appeasing me and letting me try what I wanted to do but said just go home and think about biologics. I'd like you to give them a 2 month try. If you weren't happy after 2 months you could go off but I really feel that you will feel so much better you won't want to. He said if you decide you want to try- just call me any time.
So I have been mulling over it...but look what happened to momto3- here she thought she was going to get relief and got an allergic reaction instead!
Stinkin RA- trickster!

Bingo that's exactly the way I feel. Tricked. I was just starting to feel really great I mean no pain in knees or nothing then bam!!! But I am not giving up. I am hopeful the next drug up will work. Don't you give up either Wanttobe. If this current medicine regime fails try the biologics. MTX and Plaquinil alone weren't doing enough for me that's why RD took me down the Biologic path. 
Yeah- I have pretty much come to terms with the needle issue. I don't like them and will like even less having to administer them to myself. However I have been through a lot of painful crap and a little needle stick and burning from medicine is something I know I can handle.
My doctor is telling me I can just stop in 2 months if I'm not happy- somehow I didn't think you could do that. My feeling is once you progress to the stronger drugs then you are on them and will eventually progress to stronger ones.
I'm asking myself- do you really need the next step? I guess the doctor would not have suggested it if I did not.
The tricky way this RA effects me though makes me crazy asking myself is it too much pain to stand or am I OK?
Yet now on the 10 mgs of prednisone- I feel like I should be pain free. I'm also experiencing more stiffness.
I guess I need a big hammer to come down on my head???????

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