OT: Chinese food & a felt tipped pen | Arthritis Information


I decided last thursday that I wanted chinese food. I still have not gotten any. I have been sleeping thru buffet time and I pissed off hubby on Friday... so... to "punish" me he would not take me to get chinese food.

I called and talked to my mom last night. She sounds GOOD! I told her I would get hubby to take us to the chinese restaurant if she would pay.
Then I was laying here thinking I need a black felt tipped pen. I am kinda obessed with pens, pencils, crayons, markers, and anything that writes. Sad part... I cannot use them. The obessession first started when I fractured my right wrist at the end of 7th grade. Since then I have not been able to write, or back then write but a few minutes at a time then pain would set in. Now... I just cannot write at all most days.
So... my goal for today... is to get chinese food off the buffet, and a good ole black felt tipped pen.
Of course, I will just get fatter eating the chinese food and sit and stare at my felt tipped pen until someone (one of the kids) steals it and lets it dry out. I was actually thinking I would use the pen to initial daughter reading log. I am a week behind on "signing" her reading log and it is due Monday or Tuesday. She does read, she has been reading Nancy Drew books lately.
I just wanted to share my obession with chinese food and writing instruments.
I hope you get both your wishes today!  So good to hear your mom is feeling better!

We have pen-stealing kids in common.  They found my secret stash of colored Sharpies, too.  All I have left are light green and that ugly light brownish yellowish baby poopish one.
Oh... I had a LOT of Sharpies, too. Until... my son found them one at a time and hid them without their caps on. My favorite one was the metallic silver Sharpie. I was sooo bummed when I came across it all dried out. I tried to revive it by soaking the tip in water, but it did not work.
I use to have a crap load of pens, but not anymore. Now I am lucky if I can find a pen or a crayon! I can always find the write-out pen, well the knock off version from the dollar tree LOL!

Oh how I miss the days when my daughters were so young!

They are 28 and 29 now and quite wonderful, but as neither is married or a mother, I have no grandchild yet. I would love that yet I reassure them, during their times of dismay about it, that they are still young so not to worry; it will all just happen when it's supposed to. still...


One of my all-time internet faves...

  How cute is this, Jas!  Just the sweetest thing I've seen in a while!  I noticed even the baby's toes were done!   That picture is several years old.  When I first ran across it on the 'net I damn near peed my pants laughing!  I wonder what those two girls are up to now.  Maybe the one on the left is aspiring to be a makeup artist. Our house is decorated with marker in many places...
I am obsessed with felt tip pens because, while I try to type rather than write, I have to write sometimes, and it hurts so much more to use ballpoint pens where you have to press down hard.  I need to buy a jumbo pack of felt tips...also, I miss printing, but that hurts more than cursive.  Thank goodness they taught that when I was in school.  Do they still?
Joonie hope you get your Chinese food today- I feel bad telling you but I had it for lunch today. What's your favorite dish? I like hot and spicy so I get Szechuan Beef.

OMG JR- that photo is a riot. I wonder how that mom got the marker off that poor baby's face!?
[QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]Joonie hope you get your Chinese food today- I feel bad telling you but I had it for lunch today. What's your favorite dish? I like hot and spicy so I get Szechuan Beef.

OMG JR- that photo is a riot. I wonder how that mom got the marker off that poor baby's face!?

LOL - I'm thinking that for the most part, the marks had to wear off - probably about a week!  Baby skin is so sensitive that any efforts to remove such graffiti would have no doubt irritated her little face!
So felt tipped pen another day. LOL!
The chinese food was good. My old boss asked if I would come back and work for her. I told her I couldn't. She just looked so sad. I would love to go back to work for her. It is fun working in a chinese restuarant.
I got a lot of lo mein, and egg rolls, spring rolls, and peppered steak and a large bucket of fried rice. I actually just love fried rice, but I was wanting some lo mein.
When I worked there... I would always eat 2 egg rolls, and a large bowl of fried rice. Before I left while I was preggo, I would eat just about anything from there LOL!

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