OT - Do you wish........ | Arthritis Information


I have just been watching a TV show , its about "what would you do with your life if you could start again" !!.

Is there any oppotunity you think you might have missed due to a wrong decision or do you wish you had chosen a different profession, do you wish you lived somewhere else and so on.
I tend to think that what path we chose and decisions we make, are the ones that make us who we are but there are definetly certain things I wish I had done instead of thinking.."Ill do them later" ! and later never comes...
Oh I do wish I had started my RA meds earlier and not been in denial for so longI wish I had finished that one last course to get my Master's
arrrrrgh  maybe  just maybe I can still.
 But even that hardly qualifies as a  regret..
 I regret almost nothing in my life including some things that others would think are terrible behaviors.
I love my life and I love the way I've lived it.. but I really should contact  SUNY and see what I can f do about that masters.
kathy_in_wlsv2009-03-09 17:30:20I wish I had gone to college.   I went to work fresh out of high school and later took a few classes in Early Childhood Education, but I don't have a degree, and it really hurts when I try to compete in today's world.Oh the list is long for this one!Well...
I am like Mrs. P in that I have many, many regrets and I feel if I had lived a less stressful life and took things as they come, not overwhelm my body and took better care of me instead of everyone else, RA would never have been an issue in the first place.
However, I am practicing to have more of a point of view closer to SnowlOwl,  but not there yet. I do feel life is a precious gift and I better not take it for granted in spite of all the heartbreaks and there have been many, I am just not there with letting go of my regrets and bad choices even with my bad circumstances I could have made better choices.  I was such a naive young person. school of hard knocks (life) took care of that real fast.
Hilary Clinton once said in one of her speeches "in life there are no do-overs" this statement helps me to put things (my past) in its proper place and recall it whenever I am saying to myself shoulda, woulda, coulda..:)
Few regrets.  I love my life, family and friends.  Everyone wants more beauty, money, etc.  but aside from those things I don't want to change or add anything.  My optimism has always been a large part of who I am and the decisions that I've made.  Now if I could just lose another 30 lbs!!!!!  LindyWith the benefit of hindsight I would have picked a different major in college.  At the time I had no concept of how important it would be later on to feel that I had made a difference with my life.  Now I feel like I'm just a cog in the big corporate machine and when I die it will be as if I never lived.  Also, failing to live up to one's potential is a very sad thing.  I wish I owned and opened a flower shop. I love flowers and arranging them. I have done about 13 weddings for friends and friends of a friend. I still like to do it but the hands are not very cooperative anymore. Otherwise no regrets. I love my hubby of 22 years and my son and daughter. I have great friends and a nice house. I just wish I could keep it a little cleaner and not have to rely on kids or hubby to do it.There were a few guys that, in hindsight, were probably not the wisest choices, but I'm not gonna worry too much over that.  I've had fun. There are a few things that I couldv've done, but didn't....but I am pretty happy about where I've wound up, wouldn't want to change anything really. 
If I could change anything, it would be to have been dx with RA earlier, even if that would have been that I'd have more fear about the future than pain, because I spend many years getting diagnosed with depression or chronic fatigue syndrome or reflex symathetic dystrophy that was all just BS, I didn't match any of the definitions (was having 99 fevers and relentless fatigue, foot pain) and I developed a defensive complex about it, because my family was always convinced I was just a hypochondriac and I beat myself up about not being able to do things. 
But I'm happy with the decisions I've made.
Wow , on a whole we are a pretty contented bunch of people...some of these people on this tv programme were so unhappy with their lives.
I like my life too, Im married to a man who is supportive and tries to understand, I have 3 kids who are quite well rounded , a nice home and car, food in the cupboards, running water, electric and gas...so a lot more than a lot of people in the world. I have travelled, swam in a river that was infested by crocodiles ( didnt know at the time) to escape a terrorist. I have dived the indian ocean, lived with apartheid, seen it abolished, seen a total eclipse, sat in on a witch doctors healing, helped deliver a baby on the side of the road, so many things that I am grateful for. No I dont think I would change a thing
I'm glad this is a contented bunch because this is a place you shouldn't go. All your experiences make you who you are today. You should have no regrets.

But look at your life today. If there is something you would like to change and have the ability to do so, then work on that.I love my life ( minus the RA )
I agree hessaline...all our experiances makes us who we are today!
I like that.

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