smell me | Arthritis Information


I feel bad about posting this silly question after reading littlemermaid, but I'll do it.

I think I stink.... literally.  Does RA ever affect smell? 
My hubby humors me and smells me then always says no, absolutely not, that I smell just fine.  But just to be sure, I keep putting powders on. I am not sweating at all and of course I bathe. 
I don't like this. What's the deal?
I don't know about ra but I know people with end stage cancer have a smell. I remember that when I was taking care of my mom and dad. It's an awful smell and I can't describe it. I'll have to ask kids and hubby if I smell tomorrow. No question is ever silly. That's what this board and all these people here are for.
I do know I have a heightened sense of smell. I can smell stuff no one else smells. I'm anxious to see what other members have to say.
Recently I smell under my arms more than usual.  This is when it was still cold.  I woudn't notice any moisture but would raise my arm (invariably at the doctor) and be like wheeeeew...and I know I'd put on my deoderant...
Maybe one of the drugs I'm taking...who knows...
i think it is the drugs... i stink.  no matter how many bathes.  i stink. [QUOTE=CathyMarie]I feel bad about posting this silly question after reading littlemermaid, but I'll do it. Lately I've noticed that I have crazy bad breath. I'm carrying altoids where ever I go. I think it's the drugs, I really do. Bad breathe can be caused by acidosis.  Metformin and a lot of our meds cause acidosis. 

I havent noticed that I smell bad but then im off all meds at the moment so maybe its the meds. I do notice that I have a heightned sense of smell and I too smell things no one else can smell..Hubby thinks ive gone mad as Im always pulling a face and going " ewwww" that stinks and no one else can smell it.

 Sjogrens breath is pretty nasty.
 But I am willing to bet that at least one of your meds is affecting your sense of smell.
I would ask a trusted woman friend or sister and explain that DH loves you and wouldnt say you smelled if you'd just mucked out a barn.. Ask for her honest  comments about whether you smell and if so is  it a "sick" smell or an unclean one.
I am willing to bet  she will say she doesn't smell anything, in which case investigate your meds for  the cause.

My underarms will be really stinky, even after I have taken a shower and washed them. I am not sweating or anything, but like a few mins after getting out of the shower and being dried down, my hubby will tell me I am musty. I am like "Dude! I just got out of the shower!"

The pits still smell a little even after putting on underarm deodorant.
I have a very keen sense of smell. My hubby says I am a freak because I can smell ketchup on a plate that is in the thrash in the kitchen and I am in my room. The smell will be soo strong that it makes me feel sick to my stomach.
I hardly ever smell Abbi-Kitty's litter box. But when I do I let hubby know I think it is time to change her litter.

I just came home from RD. She said this is probably from the fish oil. 

Thanks to Jasmine suggesting it as a possible cause, I stopped taking it on Tues. Family & Dr do not smell anything bad about me, but I've been so concerned whenever I leave home; it'll be great to feel fresh again, even if it is just in my own perception from within.

I'm hoping this is the answer. Forget about fish oil being good for RA and UC.
I'm glad you figured out what it was! I know there are several folks here that complain about fish burps. Putting the pills in the freezer helps? Maybe it would help with your problem, too?? I dunno. I haven't noticed any stinkiness, but I do notice I sweat a lot more. I have night sweats, too, and I hate that! I do notice when I'm outside for any length of time and come back in I have that rusty smell. You know, that smell like on kids when they come back in from recess? Smell...oh, my, opps, yup, RA and its attendant other autoimmune dsysfunctions has most definitely altered my sense of smell and acuteness: however, RBT (my spouse) would tell you that my tendency toward garlic is the disruption rather than RA. I do like my garlic. My defense is that I am a Greek!
My RD says I have no bad smell about me, as do my husband and everybody else close to me... so it's just an inside-me-smell? I was always so worried about being around people. 
So, when I read here that it could be my fish oil and RD agreed, I stopped taking it as an experiment. It's been 2 weeks now and you know what? I smell good again! Interestingly, I do not feel any worse, so eliminating it hasn't hurt me. Good-bye fish oil. I'll eat fish more.
You know for the longest time when I was first starting the MTX and was also on a high dose of prednisone I thought I smelled a "feminine odor" that smelled like garlic. I would notice it when ever I used the bathroom.  My husband didn't smell it and I got up the nerve to ask both my RD and GYN whom both seemed a little bewildered and maybe embarrassed (as was I!) Each one said they had no idea why that would be and each told me to ask the other one what they thought. Well- I don't smell it anymore so who knows. It was very embarrassing to me that's all I know. This forum business is an interesting psychological phenomenon.
I wonder if anybody has ever done a study on how valuable it is.
Where else can you find conversations about some of our topics?
And to top ours, you should see the IBS forum for poop-problems-people!
I do participate there too although not even half as much as on this one with all you friends. Thanks for all your caring, advice, knowledge, openness, and humor.
